Mastergradsoppgaver i folkehelsevitenskap: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 202
Self-Medication and Over-The-Counter Dispensing of Antibiotics in Egypt_ Prevalence, Reasons and Outcomes. A systematic review
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-12-01)<p>Background: The excessive and unwarranted consumption of antibiotics is the leading factor in promoting the spread of antimicrobial resistant (AMR), which is considered to be a potential major threat to global public health and economic growth. Several systematic reviews have been published exploring the pattern of antibiotic use in the Middle East and low-and middle-income countries without ... -
Sosial ulikhet i deltakelse i ferdighetsutviklende organiserte fritidsaktiviteter. Betydningen av familiens sosioøkonomiske status for deltakelse blant ungdom
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-12-01)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Sosial ulikhet er et økende problem i Norge. Organiserte fritidsaktiviteter er en verdifull mestringsarena for barn og unge, men kostnader forbundet med deltakelse kan føre til at enkelte grupper ekskluderes. Målet med denne studien var å undersøke om familiens sosioøkonomiske status (SØS) hadde betydning for deltakelse i ferdighetsutviklende organiserte fritidsaktiviteter ... -
Do patients assigned to multidisciplinary examination differ from patients assigned to monodisciplinary examination at the University Hospital of Northern Norway? - The Norwegian neck and back registry 2018
(Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2020-11-30)Background: Back pain is a very common disability. 60-80% of the population in Norway will experience LBP during their life. 30-50% of all people report neck pain during a year. Most back pain has no pathoanatomical diagnosis and is considered a multifactorial condition where biopsychosocial factors influence pain. “Yellow flags” are used in guidelines referring to psychosocial risk-factors for ... -
The effects of selected toxic elements on birth weight. The Norwegian Mother and Child contamination cohort study (MISA study)
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-12-31)<p><i>Background - </i>Birth weight is an important indicator for predicting newborn baby’s health. Particular toxic elements: lead (Pb), arsenic (As), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) have ability to cross the transplacental barrier and effect the fetal growth and development. These toxic elements exposure during pregnancy have been associated with negative birth outcomes like low birth weight (LBW). ... -
Bruk av reseptfri smertestillende midler – et jentefenomen? Forekomst i bruk av reseptfrie smertestillende midler blant ungdom i videregående skole; en studie av faktorer av betydning for ukentlig til daglig bruk
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-12-31)<p>Bakgrunn: Ungdom anses som en frisk del av befolkningen. Likevel har tidligere forskning vist økt forbruk av reseptfri smertestillende midler, i større grad enn en samtidig økning i smerteproblematikk. <p>Mål: Å identifisere kjønnsspesifikt forekomst og faktorer assosiert med ukentlig til daglig bruk av reseptfri smertestillende medikamenter blant deltakere i Tromsøundersøkelsen Fit Futures 1. ... -
Current situation of paediatric chronic pain in Switzerland: prevalence and paediatricians’ experiences. A cross-sectional study
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-07-10)<p><i>Background:</i> Chronic pain (CP) prevalence in children and adolescents has been increasing over the past decades. The patient-reported prevalence is around 25% depending on the methodology and location of pain. Chronic pain is defined in this study as persisting or recurrent pain that has lasted longer than three months. <p><i>Objectives:</i> To estimate the prevalence of chronic pain in ... -
Teen mothers and the use of antenatal care services in Georgia 2017 – 2019: A cross-sectional study
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-30)Teenage mothers are a particularly vulnerable population with a high risk of adverse health outcomes such as premature births and asphyxia compared to non-teen mothers. The Caucasus region historically has high rates of teenage pregnancies. The republic of Georgia is no exception therefore, this study aims to determine the utilization of ANC services of teens in order to ensure they are receiving ... -
Hepatitis C virus screening attendance and its relation to age, education, geographic region and perinatal mortality - Georgian Birth Registry 2017/2018
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2020-05-28)Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes a liver disease hepatitis C, which can manifest in acute and chronic form, with potentially life-threatening complications. Globally, in 2017, there were approximately 115 million HCV infected people. Currently, screening for HCV during pregnancy is offered to all pregnant women in a very few countries in the world. Importance of screening every pregnant ... -
Shoulder and neck pain in female office employees in Tromsø
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-04)Objective- To determine the prevalence and predictors of neck and shoulder pain in female office workers in Tromsø. Methods- A cross-sectional study was performed using population- based data from the Tromsø 6 study which was carried out between 2007 and 2008. The population under study were 619 female office workers. Information regarding individual factors, lifestyle factors and work factors ... -
Har jordmødre og helsesøstre i Nord-Norge nødvendig kunnskap om det essensielle sporstoffet jod og om jodstatus blant gravide og ammende kvinner? MISA 2-undersøkelsen 2017–2018
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-06-27)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Mild til moderat jodmangel er påvist hos gravide og ammende kvinner i Norge, noe som kan påvirke hjerneutviklingen til fosteret og redusere barnets IQ. Jordmødre og helsesøstre har en sentral rolle i veiledning av utsatte grupper knyttet til svangerskap og ammeperiode. Denne studien evaluerer i hvilken grad jordmødre og helsesøstre i Nord-Norge har nødvendig kunnskap om jod ... -
Incidence and risk factors of pre-eclampsia in the Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital, Nepal: a retrospective study
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-30)Objective: To determine the incidence of pre-eclampsia and distribution of risk factors for pre-eclampsia in Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted that included a total of 4820 deliveries from September 17 to December 18, 2017. Data were obtained from the medical records in the hospital’s Statistics Department. Associations between ... -
Social gradients in oral and general health among adolescents in Northern Norway. A cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-29)Aim: To explore the social gradients in self-perceived oral and general health, caries experience and body mass index (BMI) in a Norwegian adolescent population. Methods: The data was retrieved from a population-based cohort study Fit Futures, which included all first-year high-school students aged 15-19 years, in two municipalities in Troms County, Northern Norway, in 2010-2011 (not including the ... -
Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding at discharge, the Georgian Birth Registry
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-05-21)Breastfeeding is associated with many short and long-term advantages for both mother and child, such as protection against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections in children and breast cancer in women. Rates of exclusive breastfeeding are low in low and middle-income countries. Several determinants of breastfeeding have previously been identified in the literature, for example mother’s age and ... -
Geographic variation of human dietary intake of PCBs from Norwegian coastal fish species and potential health risks of consumption
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)Today, the majority of human exposure to PCBs and dioxins originates from food consumption. In Norway, most dietary intake of the same compounds comes from fish consumption. This study aimed to investigate if current human dietary intake of PCBs and dioxins demonstrated geographic variation across Norwegian coastal regions. Also, to evaluate if resulting consumption patterns of some Norwegians could ... -
Socio-economic inequalities in utilisation of physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment in Norway. A population based cross-sectional survey
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-09-15)Background: In Norway, it is widely agreed that health services should be available for all, irrespective of place of residence, gender, income or socioeconomic status. It seems that the use of general practitioners is equally distributed, while the better-off are more likely to use specialist healthcare. There is limited knowledge of the equity of other aspects of health care, such as physiotherapy ... -
“Targeting Hand Hygiene to increase the Public Health Resilience in The Norwegian Army”. A Quasi-experimental design
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-12-01)Background Current security predictions are based on new non-linear hybrid threats with the potential to harm both military and civilian public health (PH). Inadequate hand hygiene practices may increase vulnerability unless resilience can be improved. Handwashing habits are difficult to change but are key to successful decontamination and maintenance of low risk (GREEN) zones the Norwegian Army’s ... -
Exploring the gender specific association between use of complementary and alternative medicine and alcohol consumption and injuries caused by drinking. The sixth Tromsø study
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-08-25)Background: Previous studies have found that the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is associated with several characteristic, such as female gender, higher education and higher income. However, studies investigating the relationship between alcohol consumption patterns and different CAM approaches have so far been limited. Harmful use of alcohol has detrimental consequences to ... -
Suicidal behaviour in adolescence and later mental healthcare use: a population-based registry study of Norwegian youth. Exploring potential gender differences and ethnic differences between indigenous Sami and non-Sami
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2017-07-28)Background: The prevalence of suicidal behaviour among adolescents are high, and act as a risk factor of suicide. Suicide is considered a public health problem worldwide. Indigenous people are in general at higher risk of suicide than the majority population, and there are gender differences in the pathways of suicidal behaviour and suicides. Objectives: To investigate the association and importance ... -
Use of non-prescription (OTC) analgesics - utilization pattern and user characteristics in Norway, The Tromsø study: Tromsø 6
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2018-07-21)Background: Drug policies in western countries, as well as countries in most other parts of the world, support self-medication with Over-The-Counter (OTC) drugs. The switch from prescription (Rx)-to-OTC has been most common in the Nordic countries, Great Britain and Germany in the last decades and deregulations were done to make it possible to sell OTC analgesics other places than under the pharmacy ... -
Classical Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) in Arkhangelsk: Have They Changed over the Years? Comparison of Cross-sectional Studies: Arkhangelsk Study 2000 and Arkhangelsk Part of Know Your Heart Study 2015-17.
(Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2019-05-31)Background: According to the World Health Organization, 31% of all deaths worldwide result from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), mostly in low- and middle-income countries. Even though Russia, an upper-middle income country, still have higher CVD mortality compared to the neighboring countries such as Finland and Norway, it has seen a reduction in CVD mortality since the turn of the millennium. ...