Viser treff 160-179 av 272

    • Network Science in Biblical Studies: Introduction 

      Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2022-07)
      The notion of a network is ingrained in contemporary culture. In everyday English parlance, we casually talk about television networks, computer networks, professional networks, telephone networks, and so on. Even though the word has a technological flavor, the idea of a network is purely mathematical at its core. A network (or graph in mathematical language) is an abstract model that consists ...
    • Networks, asymmetries and appropriations: Towards a typology 

      Fulsås, Narve; Rem, Tore (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-24)
      This article, a revised version of Tore Rem’s keynote lecture at the XIVth International Ibsen Conference in Skien on 5–8 September 2018, draws on pp. 140–174 in Narve Fulsås and Tore Rem, <i>Ibsen, Scandinavia and the Making of a World Drama</i> (Cambridge: Cambridge U.P., 2018). This version expands on the theoretical-analytical framework of our suggested typology.
    • The neuropsychology of religious experience. A review of different scientific approaches to the phenomenon / Neuropsicología de la experiencia religiosa. Una revisión de distintas aproximaciones científicas al fenómeno 

      Apud, Ismael; Czachesz, Istvan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-13)
      The current article is a critical review of the neuropsychological study of religious experience. First, we analyse the philosophical and theological roots of the term and its characterization as a sui generis and unique phenomenon. We subsequently describe the adoption of the concept in psychology, as well as the emergence of alternative approaches that emphasize the role of categorization of ...
    • The New Testament as a Model: Reading the Bible with Richard Dawkins 

      Czachesz, Istvan (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      The New Testament is a cultural canon that fundamentally shaped the development of Christian Europe and the entire Christian world. The Bible can be seen as a repository of ideas and behavioral rules that have been read and interpreted by many generations of (cultural) Christians. The ideas and behavioral rules that became part of the Bible, as well as their specific combinations and intertextual ...
    • Nominativnye istochniki v kontekste vsemirnoy istorii perepisey: Rossiya i Zapad [Nominative Sources in the Context of the World History of Censuses: Russia and the West]. 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The article presents an original, comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the civil registration system in the world, based on wide empirical materials. The emphasis is on how information about the population in the Western countries and Russia has traditionally been collected. The development of the methods for taking the earliest censuses; the transition from numeric to nominative censuses and ...
    • Nord og ned til syndens svovelpøl : forestillinger om nordområdene gjennom tidene 

      Hagen, Rune Blix (Lecture; Forelesning, 2011-11-23)
    • Nord-Norges røde døtre 

      Hagen, Rune Blix (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013)
      Gitta Jønsson, Katrine Bugge, Ellisif Wessel, Kata Dalstrøm, Jenny Garfjeld, Josefine Klausen, Hilda Sund og Helene Ugland er bare noen navn blant en lang rekke kvinneskikkelser som har hatt stor betydning i pionerfasen for arbeiderbevegelsens frammarsj i nord. Uredde kvinner gikk i spissen for etablering av foreninger av politisk, sosial og faglig karakter. De snakket varmt om kvinnelig stemmerett ...
    • Nordlys-serien "Islam i Tromsø" 

      Kraft, Siv Ellen; Døving, Cora Alexa (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2013-08-13)
      Vi hevder i den nylig utgitte boken Religion i pressen (Universitetsforlaget 2013) at den norske islamdekningen er blitt mer kunnskapsbasert og nyansert i løpet av 2000-­‐tallet, og at flere muslimske stemmer har kommet på banen. I et eget kapittel viet den såkalte moskesaken i Tromsø, hevder vi også at Nordlys-­‐serien ”Islam i Tromsø,” høsten 2010, brøt med denne tendensen. Det er i og for ...
    • Norges siste hekseprosess i Kvæfjord 

      Hagen, Rune Blix (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2021)
    • Norsk-russiske vitenskapelige relasjoner innen arktisk forskning 1814-2014 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Norway and Russia are both northern states, who administer vast maritime zones and land territories in the Arctic. Because of this, in both states we find a distinct northern focus that has occupied a prominent place, not least inside the field of sciences over the last two centuries. During the last decades of the 19th century there developed a handful of so to say specific arctic research disciplines, ...
    • North Norway : an invention? 

      Niemi, Einar A (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The article has as a starting point the fact that regions are one of the central political topics of today. Though regions have certain roots in history, they were not politicized until the nineteenth century, when they were “invented” as a tool for identity-shaping and development in the fringe areas of the state. The article operates with North Norway as a case in analyzing modern region-building ...
    • Northern Reformations: Introduction 

      Berg, Sigrun Høgetveit; Kristiansen, Roald E; Dahl Hambro, Cathinka (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-14)
      What did the protestant reformations look like in the very north of Europe? How did the cultural, political and economic consequences of the religious change influence the relationship between Scandinavia, the British Isles and continental Europe? Various questions related to these main themes were the topics for discussions at the conference “Northern Reformations” in Tromsø, Norway, September ...
    • Nærvær og presentisme: om synet på fortiden i nyere historieteori 

      Bangstad, Torgeir Rinke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Much recent theorizing in philosophy of history has revolved around the idea of enduring, persistent pasts as opposed to the proto-modern sense of time which presupposes a neat break between the absent past and the present. This article draws on examples from memory studies, archaeology, art history, law and theory of history to explain the idea of the persistence of the past, and to suggest ...
    • Old-age mortality and social class in northern Norway in the first half of the twentieth century 

      Langholz, Petja Lyn; Sommerseth, Hilde Leikny (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-13)
      The number of studies on social inequality in mortality in Norway before 1960 is limited and they often focus on early life outcomes. Little is known about socioeconomic differences in old-age mortality before the emergence of the welfare state. Linked census and church records from the Historical Population Register of Norway were used to study a sample of 10,457 men and women born 1841–1870 ...
    • Om glede, jubel og selvutvikling. Naturlig fødsel i New Age 

      Kraft, Siv Ellen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2011-06-30)
      ”Med smerte skal du føde dine barn,” sier Gud til Eva i Første Mosebok, og det som straff for hennes overtredelse av Guds bud. Noen tusen år seinere gjør det fortsatt vondt, men bibelfortellingene konkurrerer med andre fortellinger, enkelte av dem langt mer positive. Blant de mest positive finnes New Age-varianter av naturlig fødsel. Det å føde barn handler her om å ta del i skaperakten, om å ...
    • Om Norske krigsdekorasjoner 

      Bones, Stian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      <i>Innledning</i>: Formålet med dekorasjonsprosjektet og med boka Norske krigsdekorasjoner, er å undersøke om det er grupper eller personer som ikke er dekorert som fortjent på bakgrunn av hemmelighold, manglende kunnskap eller politiske forhold. Boka gir ingen oppsummerende eller syntetiserende konklusjon om dette hovedspørsmålet, men i forordet slås det fast: «Prosjektgruppens anbefaling er at ...
    • Om vegetasjonsforstyrrelser: Konsekvenser for bevaringen av arkeologisk kontekstinformasjon i norske jordsmonn 

      Jørgensen, Erlend Kirkeng (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Jordsmonnet utgjør deler av konteksten for arkeologiske data og danner i mange tilfeller selve matrisen som dataene inngår i. Ved avsetningen av menneskelige aktivitetsspor sørger akkumuleringen av nye jordlag for en overlagring av aktivitetssporene. Jordsmonnets evne til å «forsegle» fortidige aktivitetsspor er en grunnleggende forutsetning for arkeologien. For det første fører jordsmonnets forsegling ...
    • On Boundaries and Areas in Local History Research 

      Thorvaldsen, Gunnar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 1997)
      Among the social sciences, history is characterised as the most particularising discipline - the discipline to the greatest extent studying the way definite actions, events and structures differ from time to time and place to place. A considerable part of Norwegian historical research deals with local areas, <i>kommuner</i> (municipalities), <i>fylker</i> (provinces) and other regions below the ...
    • On the View of 'the Other' - Abroad and At Home: The Geography and Peoples of the Far North, According to Historia Norwegie 

      Hansen, Lars Ivar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2020)
      In this discussion I want to focus the spotlight on what Historia Norwegiae (hereafter H.N.) reports on relations in the Far North, on the Sámi and on the interaction between Norwegians and Sámi, as well as additional peoples further to the east in the North Calotte.2 I shall concentrate on a summary of the peoples who were perceived, to a greater or lesser extent, as standing outside the Norse, ...
    • Ondskapens "pedagogikk" i selvets spiritualitet: Nyreligiøse perspektiver på ondskap og lidelse 

      Tøllefsen, Inga Bårdsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Ondskap, lidelse og det Â"uønskedeÂ" kan i nyreligiøsiteten fortolkes på flere måter. Denne artikkelen beskriver to nivåer av ondskap og lidelse, et ytre og et indre nivå, hvor det ytre i hovedsak omhandler estetisering av ondskap og populærkulturell ondskapsfascinasjon, i relasjon til Christopher Partridges (2004 og 2005) occulture-begrep. Det indre nivået som behandles i artikkelens andre del ...