Viser treff 181-200 av 2059

    • Sustainability: Critical Reflections on an Apparently Common-Sensical Term 

      Pötzsch, Holger (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2023)
      In March 20223, the sixth synthesis report penned by the International Panel of Climate Change (Lee et al. 2023) was released. As earlier, the assessments are dire reading and yet again witness of trends going into the wrong direction on almost all important accounts; increase in CO2 emissions, underperforming attempts at cutbacks, rising temperatures on a global scale, missed targets, unpaid ...
    • Tromsø dialect 

      Nowell, Hazel (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 1989-09)
      The Tromsø dialect situation today is probably typical of many Northern Norwegian town dialects. It has developed from an old local non-standard speech variety which was very similar to the present local rural dialects. What clearly distinguishes the modern town version, as spoken by young people today, from the old one, however, is the inclusion of a significant number of bokmål features. This study ...
    • Structural similarity in third language acquisition 

      Kolb, Nadine; Mitrofanova, Natalia; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-09-22)
      Language learners typically experience cross-linguistic influence (CLI) from one or several previously acquired languages when acquiring an additional language. Learners of a second language (L2) are influenced by their native languages in all language domains ranging from phonology, lexicon, and morphosyntax, to semantics, discourse, and pragmatics. In third (and subsequent) language (L3/ Ln) ...
    • Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition: Evidence from artificial language learning 

      Mitrofanova, Natalia; Leivada, Evelina; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-10-10)
      This study investigates the role of lexical vs structural similarity in L3 acquisition. We designed a mini-artificial language learning task where the novel L3 was lexically based on Norwegian but included a property that was present in Russian and Greek yet absent in Norwegian (grammatical case). The participants were Norwegian-Russian and Norwegian-Greek bilinguals as well as a group of Norwegian ...
    • Integration of Turkish Immigrants into the Norwegian Society: The Role of English as a Lingua Franca 

      Bjørgve, Aylin Kayali (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-15)
      The rapid growth of globalisation and the ease of mobility across countries during the past decades have brought about some fundamental changes in the structural organisation of societies. People not only carry their bodies and workforce with them when they move, but they also carry their identities, experiences, cultures, habits and needs. Immigrants may encounter a variety of challenges after they ...
    • Äiti 'mor' finsk 

      Niiranen, Leena Mirjam (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2022)
      <p>Det finske ordet <i>äiti</i>, som betyr 'mor', er annerledes fra ord man finner i de fleste andre språk i Europa. I disse språkene brukes ord som tilsvarer det norske <i>mamma</i> eller <i>mor</i>. I tysk har man <i>Mutter</i>, i engelsk <i>mother</i>, i fransk <i>mère, maman</i> og i russisk <i>mama</i>. Hvorfor brukes det ikke et lignende ord også på finsk? <p>Finsk er ikke i slekt med ...
    • Sinne, samhold og kjendiser. Sykdomsskildringer i skandinavisk samtidslitteratur 

      Nesby, Linda Hamrin (Book; Bok, 2021)
      Skjønnlitterære og selvbiografiske sykdomsskildringer opplever økt oppmerksomhet både hos den alminnelige leser og hos fagfolk. Genrens popularitet kan forstås som resultat av den åpenheten og interessen som subjektive erfaringer har i dagens kulturelle landskap, og som forlag, sosiale medier og fremveksten av den såkalte virkelighetslitteraturen har skapt en arena for. Boken viser hvordan den ...
    • Antología de la literatura burlesca del Siglo de Oro, Burla y sátira en los virreinatos de Indias. Una antología provisional 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando; Herrera, Arnulfo; Rodríguez Mansilla, Fernando; Vinatea, Martina (Book; Bok, 2020)
      En el marco de la Antología de la literatura burlesca del Siglo de Oro, emprendida desde el proyecto Identidades y alteridades. La burla como diversión y arma social en la literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro, se dedica este volumen a los materiales que podemos denominar indianos. El presente libro obedece al intento de difundir algunas composiciones y autores destacados. No pretende exhaustividad ...
    • Paul Muldoon and the Language of Poetry 

      Moi, Ruben (Book; Bok, 2020)
      Paul Muldoon and the Language of Poetry is the first book in years that attends to the entire oeuvre of the Irish-American poet, critic, lyricist, dramatist and Princeton professor from his debut with New Weather in 1973 up to his very recent publications. Ruben Moi’s book explores, in correspondence with language philosophy and critical debate, how Muldoon’s ingenious language and inventive form ...
    • Sujetos coloniales: escritura, identidad y negociación en Hispanoamérica (siglos XVI-XVIII) 

      Cabanillas Cardenas, Carlos Fernando (Book; Bok, 2017)
      El presente libro incluye catorce trabajos que se enfocan en el estudio de diversos sujetos coloniales que vivieron en los virreinatos americanos entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. El enfoque de cada uno es diverso, como diversos fueron estos sujetos y también las distintas estrategias que utilizaron, no solo para encontrar mejoras dentro del sistema colonial sino, en muchos casos, para reivindicar una ...
    • Cross-linguistic influence in bilingual grammars: Evidence from gender assigment in unilingual Dutch and mixed speech 

      van Osch, Brechje; Boers, Ivo; Grijzenhout, Janet; Couto, M. Carmen Parafita; Sterken, Bo; Tat, Deniz (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      This study reports on grammatical gender assignment in elicited production data from heritage speakers of Turkish, Papiamento, and Spanish in the Netherlands. We selectively target the nominal domain, consisting of a determiner, a noun, and an adjective. Previous studies have demonstrated gender to be vulnerable in bilingual acquisition (e.g., Gathercole & Thomas 2005; Mitrofanova et al. 2018). The ...
    • Los trabajos de Sigismunda 

      Davenport, Randi Lise (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2022)
      Este artículo se centra en la protagonista femenina de la historia septentrional de Cervantes. Como es bien sabido, igual que Persiles / Periandro, la co-protagonista femenina tiene una doble identidad (Alcalá Galán, 1999), aunque la “Sigismunda” del título casi desaparece en el texto bajo el nombre de Auristela que oculta su verdadera identidad. Mucho se ha escrito sobre los trabajos de amor y de ...
    • Executive functions are modulated by the context of dual language use: diglossic, bilingual and monolingual older adults 

      Alrwaita, Najla; Houston-Price, Carmel; Meteyard, Lotte; Voits, Toms; Pliatsikas, Christos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-27)
      Studies investigating the role of dual language use in modulating executive functions have reported mixed results, with some studies reporting benefits in older adults. These studies typically focus on bilingual settings, while the role of dual language use in diglossic settings is rarely investigated. In diglossia, the two language varieties are separated by context, making it an ideal test case ...
    • Roald Amundsen’s South Pole Book (1912) 

      Wærp, Henning Howlid (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      The Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen publisheda book after each of his five expeditions: about the Northwest Passage, 1903-1907 (1907), the Northeast Passage,1918-1920 (1921), the South Pole expedition, 1910-1912 (1912) and about the two attempts of reaching the North Pole(1925, 1926). In addition he published an autobiography in 1927, the year before he disappeared while flying on arescue ...
    • Shakespeare in Ibsen's Drama 

      Wærp, Lisbeth Pettersen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Through comparative reading, I elaborate on claims in previous Ibsen research on Shakespeare’s influence on Ibsen. The main point is that aspects of Ibsen’s wayof creating dramatic characters from Brand (1866), Ibsen’s Scandinavian breakthrough, via An Enemy ofthe people (1882) to his last and modernistic play When We Dead Awaken (1899), can be regarded asinfluenced by Shakespeare, ...
    • 'Lei niogtredve go byggiimet.' Om unormerte lån fra norsk i samisk talespråk 

      Antonsen, Lene (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-12-31)
      Denne artikkelen ser på ord annotert som fremmedspråklig ord eller sitatlån i det nordsamiske talespråkskorpuset LIA Sápmi. De mest frekvente orda blir vurdert mot ordbøker og tekstkorpus. Analysen viser at en del av disse orda i realiteten er etablerte lånord i muntlig språk, og mange av dem finnes også i ordbøker, men orda er fraværende i skriftlig språk. Størstedelen av de annoterte orda er ...
    • Mittelnorwegisch 

      Mørck, Endre (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021)
      Die sprachgeschichtliche Epoche von der Mitte des 14. bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts wird üblicherweise als „mittelnorwegisch“ bezeichnet. Wie der Name sagt, handelt es sich dabei um die Übergangsphase von der altnorwegischen zur neunorwegischen Zeit. Will man die Entwicklungen in dieser Zeit kurz zusammenfassen, so sagt man oft, Altnorwegisch habe sich in dieser Zeit zu den modernen Dialekten ...
    • Trykkplasseringa i latinske lånord og partikkelverb i tre norske dialektområde 

      Tengesdal, Eirik; Lundquist, Bjørn (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2021-12-31)
      Denne artikkelen granskar sambandet mellom trykkplassering i latinske lånord (som butikk) og partikkelverb (som gå ut), der trykkplasseringa på fyrstestavinga eller sistestavinga varierer. Med di partikkelverb har ein del av variasjon som skriv seg frå innomspråklege strukturelle faktorar, reknar me med at desse faktorane ikkje påverkar latinske ord i like stor grad. Ved å granska ikkje-syntaktisk ...