Now showing items 641-660 of 723

    • A genome-wide study of gene expression regulation in the Gram-negative fish pathogen Aliivibrio salmonicida 

      Hansen, Geir Åsmund (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-10-04)
      Regulation of gene expression is essential for all bacteria to function and survive. The expression of genes into proteins is dependent on a number of steps, each of which can be subjected to regulation. In the literature much emphasis has typically been placed on transcriptional regulation, but during recent years gene regulation at the post-transcriptional level has also gained much attention. One ...
    • A randomised clinical trial on the impact of early intervention on parental child-rearing attitudes and cognitive, motor and behavioral outcomes in preterm infants. 

      Nordhov, Solveig Marianne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-23)
      BACKGROUND: Preterm infants are at increased risk of cognitive problems/delay and behavioual problems in the long term. Studies have shown that their mothers are more overprotective, and find it hard to implement a nurturant child rearing practice compared to parents of term infants. To improve the parent-infant interaction and thereby influence infant development in a beneficial different early ...
    • A community-based factorial trial on Alzheimer's disease. Effects of expectancy, recruitment methods, co-morbidity and drug use : The Dementia Study in Northern Norway. 

      Andersen, Fred (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-10-21)
      Ni kommuner deltok i studien. I fem av kommunene fikk deltakerne med Alzheimers sykdom (AS) systematisk stimulering (n=103), i de resterende fire vanlig pleie og omsorg (n=84). Alle inkluderte ble randomisert dobbelt blindt til donepezil eller placebo, og fulgt med tre kognitive tester (MMSE, Klokketest og ADAS-Cog) hver fjerde måned i ett år. To testteknikere testet deltakerne på deres hjemsteder. ...
    • Compression Analysis of Pharmaceutical Powders : Assessment of Mechanical Properties and Tablet Manufacturability Prediction 

      Klevan, Ingvild (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-30)
      Although the tablet has been produced in large quantities for a long time, there is a need for better understanding of the manufacturing process. This thesis deals with compression analysis for assessment of mechanical properties and tablet manufacturability prediction. The goal was to increase the understanding of the response in the powder material during the tableting process. For this purpose, ...
    • MYCN and microRNAs in neuroblastoma 

      Büchner, Jochen (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-30)
      Neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial solid tumor in childhood. Tumors with amplification of the MYCN proto-oncogene are characterized by aggressive biology and poor survival of the patients. To improve future treatment options, it is of fundamental interest to understand MYCN’s role in tumorigenesis and determine factors regulating MYCN expression. In this thesis focuses on the interactions ...
    • Subarachnoid hemorrhage : incidence, risk factors and sex differences 

      Lindekleiv, Haakon (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-10-28)
      Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is bleeding into the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain. SAH may occur spontaneously, or following traumatic brain injury. Spontaneous SAH is in 85% of cases caused by rupture of an outpouching (aneurysm) of an intracranial artery. This is called an aneurysmal SAH (aSAH). The main findings of the present thesis concerned the incidence of aSAH in Norway, and sex ...
    • The development and use of a new tool for estimating individual sun induced vitamin D in epidemiological surveys 

      Edvardsen, Kåre (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-11-19)
    • Morally bound medical work. An empirical study exploring moral conditions of doctors’ everyday practice 

      Agledahl, Kari Milch (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-22)
      All of clinical work also has a moral dimension since the purpose of health care is to help patients. The aim of this project is to understand how doctors deal with these moral dimensions of clinical work. The field of bioethics has largely emerged as a philosophically founded discipline, without taking into account how doctors already handle moral values as a tacit or implicit part of their clinical ...
    • Supporting lay bystanders during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : comparison of video calls and audio calls for instructions and supervision 

      Bolle, Stein Roald (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-05-20)
      Akuttmedisinske situasjoner krever rask, god og effektiv kommunikasjon. Publikum har i økende grad mulighet for videokonferanse via vanlige mobiltelefoner. Kan legfolk i fremtiden få bedre hjelp fra medisinsk nødnummer (113) hvis de kan vise levende bilder fra akuttmedisinske situasjoner via mobiltelefonen? Dette er hovedspørsmålet i dette doktorgradsarbeidet utført ved Nasjonalt senter for samhandling ...
    • Clinical epidemiology of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with emphasis on nephritis and autoantibody production 

      Eilertsen, Gro Østli (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-09-09)
      Systemisk Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) er en kronisk sykdom der immunforsvaret produserer antistoffer som kan angripe kroppens egne organer. I 1997 ble klassifikasjonskriteriene for å stille diagnosen endret slik at flere typer autoantistoffer ble inkludert. For å undersøke mulige endringer etter innføring av de nye 1997 klassifikasjonskriteriene for SLE, delte vi inn pasientene i to grupper. En ...
    • Factors behind high cardiovascular disease mortality in Northwest Russia. The Arkhangelsk study. 

      Sidorenkov, Oleg (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-06-10)
      Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in Russia is among the highest in the world. CVD mortality rate among Russian middle-aged (30-59) men and women is more than ten times higher than in Norway. Comparative studies however show that abnormally high levels of the conventional (atherosclerotic) cardiovascular risk factors such as serum cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and hypertension are ...
    • Osteoprotegerin and cardiovascular disease 

      Vik, Anders (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2010-12-16)
    • Lupus nephritis : the role of renal DNase I in the progression of the disease 

      Seredkina, Natalya (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-05-31)
      SLE er en sykdom med ukjent etiologi. En hovedmarkør for sykdommen SLE er produskjon av antistoffer mot kroppseget DNA (arvestoff). Binding av slike antistoffer til DNA fører til dannelse av immunkomplekser som i sin tur avleires i organer og bidrar til kliniske symptomer og sykdomsutvikling. I nyrene forårsakes det lekkasje av eggehvite (proteinuri) og er et tegn på alvorlig nyresvikt. Vi ...
    • Angiotensin II and heart remodelling : role of ischemia, gender and pregnancy 

      Aljabri, Mohammad Belal (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-05-26)
      In this thesis different factors that promote or inhibit heart remodelling induced by angiotensin II were studied. The following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The presence of elevated levels of Ang II in the perfusion buffer did not increase myocardial injury during ischemia-reperfusion. However, the ability to protect the heart by ischemic postconditioning was lost. This seemed to be due to ...
    • Sonosensitive liposomes for ultrasound-mediated drug delivery 

      Evjen, Tove Julie (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-06-20)
      Liposome encapsulation of cytotoxic drugs favours drug delivery to tumours and improves the therapeutic-to-toxicity ratio of conventional chemotherapy. A novel approach to further enhance the availability of liposomal drugs to tumour cells is to combine ultrasound (US) with US sensitive (sonosensitive) liposomes. US treatment of tumour tissue induces local drug release from the liposome carrier ...
    • Antimicrobial resistance and bacterial diversity in Arctic environments 

      Glad, Trine (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-06-01)
      Ampicillin er et antibiotikum som har vært brukt i flere tiår, og det er mange bakterier på sykehus og andre helseinstitusjoner som har utviklet resistens mot dette legemiddelet. Bakteriene blir resistente ved selv å utvikle eller ta opp resistensgener. Vi vet lite om bakteriene utenfor sykehusmiljøene har resistensgener mot ampicillin. Kunnskap om resistensgener i miljø hvor det er lite menneskelig ...
    • Pattern recognition receptors in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells : Roles in the innate immune system and scavenger functions 

      Simón-Santamaría, Jaione (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-05-05)
      Effective removal of unwanted self and non-self molecules from blood is essential to keep the organism healthy. Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs) have been shown to effectively clear such macromolecules via receptor-mediated endocytosis. The cells express several high affinity endocytosis receptors, including the mannose receptor (MR), and several scavenger receptors (SRs), which are known ...
    • Mapping Uncertainties in Policy–Relevant Science : treating Modern Biotechnology in Aquaculture with Precaution 

      Gillund, Frøydis (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-02-25)
      Inspired by precautionary and participatory approaches to risk governance of novel technologies, this thesis concerns how to acknowledge and handle scientific uncertainties in policy-relevant science. I have addressed this topic by mapping perspectives on uncertainties, benefits and concerns related to the use of modern biotechnology in aquaculture, among scientists, policy advisors and other impacted ...
    • Ethnic discrimination and bullying in relation to self-reported physical and mental health in Sami settlement areas in Norway : The SAMINOR study 

      Hansen, Ketil Lenert (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2011-03-25)
      Vitenskapelig kunnskap om de norske samenes helse og levekår har økt de siste årene, spesielt etter at Senter for samisk helseforskning ble etablert i 2001. Forut for oppstarten av virksomheten ved senteret ligger ulike offentlige dokumenter til grunn. Fra 1995 foreligger NOU 1995:6 Plan for helse- og sosialtjenester for den samiske befolkningen i Norge. Dette dokumentet er det første offentlige ...