Now showing items 301-320 of 2059

    • The Current Status of English Grammar Instruction in the Norwegian school system: Attitudes, Opinions, and Practices 

      Larsen, Hannah Sigrid (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-05-14)
      The purpose of this thesis is to explore the current status of grammar teaching in the English subject in Norwegian schools, through English teachers' points of view. A mixed methods study was conducted by gathering data from English teachers all over Norway through interviews and an online questionnaire. The foundation of the research study is two research questions, each of which includes complementary ...
    • Learnings from/about diversity in space and time: discursive constructions in the semiotic landscape of a teacher education building in Norway 

      Sollid, Hilde; Hiss, Florian; Pesch, Anja Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-25)
      This article critically examines the discourses concerning historical and transnational linguistic and cultural diversity in the semiotic landscape of a new teacher education building in Norway. In 2020, this building, housing the Department of Education, opened at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in the city of Tromsø. Designing, constructing, and decorating a new building for a national ...
    • Methodological challenges in working with Indigenous communities 

      Lloyd-Smith, Anika; Kupisch, Tanja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-02-02)
      n their epistemological article, Grenoble and Osipov (2023, henceforth G&O) touch on some of the practical and ideological difficulties in working with Indigenous communities, in particular in relation to their work with the Even communities in northeastern Russia. They mention low speaker numbers and the associated challenge of obtaining sufficient data, the practical difficulties of reaching these ...
    • Samuel Hearne, The Denesuline, and The Beaver: Zoology and Its Effect in an Early Canadian Natural-Cultural Contact Zone 

      Kjeldaas, Sigfrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-01-24)
      Recent scholarship on Samuel Hearne's A Journey to the Northern Ocean (1795) has highlighted how Hearne's journey of exploration functioned to demonstrate the Hudson's Bay Company's strategic geopolitical worth, obscure the violence of its colonialist enterprise, and generate images of an empty North conducive to colonial settlement. Drawing on such scholarship, this essay attempts to nuance statements ...
    • Hippocampal adaptations in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients are modulated by bilingual language experiences 

      Voits, Toms; Rothman, Jason; Calabria, Marco; Robson, Holly; Aguirre, Naiara; Cattaneo, Gabriele; Costumero, Víctor; Hernández, Mireia; Juncadella Puig, Montserrat; Marín-Marín, Lidón; Suades, Anna; Costa, Albert; Pliatsikas, Christos (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-24)
      Bilingualism has been shown to contribute to increased resilience against cognitive aging. One of the key brain structures linked to memory and dementia symptom onset, the hippocampus, has been observed to adapt in response to bilingual experience – at least in healthy individuals. However, in the context of neurodegenerative pathology, it is yet unclear what role previous bilingual experience ...
    • Grunnleggende motiv som lignelser i tre romaner av P.O Enquist 

      Larsen, Jørgen Berg (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-06-09)
      Denne masteroppgaven tar sikte på å analysere motiver i Per Olov Enquists romaner Nedstörtad Ängel (1985), Kaptein Nemos bibliotek (1991) og Liknelseboken (2013). Motivene analyseres basert på Mikhael Bakhtins filosofi knyttet til intertekstualitet, samt Søren Kierkegaards filosofi om kjærlighet og tro. I masteroppgaven kommer det frem at motivene i romanene, og på tvers av dem, bygges som lignelser ...
    • «Nå må jeg begynne å gjøre noe, jeg må ta et grep!» Samiske elevers erfaringer med overgangen ut av det samiske språkforvaltningsområdet 

      Mathisen, Per-Henning (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-31)
      Denne avhandlingen handler om samiske elevers erfaringer med overgangen ut av samisk språkforvaltningsområde. Empirien i studien baserer seg på syv kvalitative forskningsintervjuer med en sammensatt gruppe elever på en videregående skole. Fem av elevene har samisk bakgrunn, hvorav fire av disse igjen har erfaringer med overgangen ut av forvaltningsområdet. Jeg har analysert de samiske elevenes ...
    • The role of English as L2 in the acquisition of L3 Norwegian by Italian native speakers. Cross-linguistic Influence in adult multilingualism. 

      Orsatti, Giulia (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-19)
      As the field of third language acquisition (L3A) expands, the question of whether one or more languages influence the acquisition of (an) additional language(s) remains central. This thesis aims to contribute to the ongoing debate in the field of L3A by examining the role of English as a second language (L2) in the acquisition of L3 Norwegian by Italian native speakers (L1). English is the most ...
    • Causativisation and Applicativisation with the Grammaticalised Verb De in Akan 

      Appiah, Esther Dansoa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-16)
      The thesis investigates a grammaticalised verb de, reanalysed as a semi/functional element which is involved in valency changing operations such as causativisation and applicativisation in Akan. The causative and applicative use of the morpheme points to a polysemous syncretism (Franco 2019) in the language. De is realised as three different heads with different functions: as a causer, an ...
    • Palatalitet hos ungdommer i Vest-Lofoten: En kombinert studie av tale- og skriftspråk 

      Andreassen, Marit Irene (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      I denne masteroppgaven har jeg undersøkt muntlig og skriftlig palatalitet hos 29 ungdommer i Vest-Lofoten. Jeg har derfor brukt en kombinasjon av metoder for å samle både muntlige og skriftlige data. Lofotmålet har tradisjonelt palatalitet, og det ene hovedfokuset har vært å undersøke variasjonsmønstrene for variablene /n/, /l/, /d/ og /t/ i talemålet. Her har jeg brukt en muntlig elisiteringsoppgave ...
    • Cross-linguistic Influence in L3 Acquisition of English by child heritage speakers of Russian in Norway 

      Saraeva, Anna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      The present study investigates crosslinguistic influence (CLI) in the acquisition of L3 English by Russian-Norwegian children in attempt to understand how previous knowledge of two typologically distant languages affects the acquisition of the language that shows structural similarities with both languages and what role language dominance plays in this process. The participants were tested through ...
    • Anders Sunnas politiske kunst i det postkoloniale Sápmi 

      Sara, Per Asle (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg tre verk av Anders Sunna - Death Means Nothing for the Colours (2009), Four Nation Army (2014) og Get OFF DeFence (2016). Sunna har et eksplisitt politisk uttrykk som ofte grenser på et militant og aktivistisk formspråk, også med tanke på innhold. Verkene blir undersøkt for å vise hvordan kunstneren bruker ulike virkemidler for å fremheve, eksponere og fortelle om den ...
    • The acquisition of complex onsets in Icelandic: the effects of markedness, sonority, and frequency 

      Dyga, Jagoda Anna (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-23)
      The acquisition of consonant clusters is determined by several underlying factors, and recent studies demonstrated that input frequency, investigated in isolation, cannot account for the order of acquisition (e.g., Jarosz 2017). The study conducted in this thesis was an empirical test of the theories of phonological acquisition. It investigated the simplification patterns occurring in initial clusters ...
    • Fra toponymisk kolonisering til naturalisering og stedsnavnsdebatter 

      Hillestad, Dagfinn-Andreas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Denne kvalitative studien tar for seg fire personers syn på stedsnavn på sitt hjemsted. Hensikten er å få kunnskap om hvordan informantene ser på stedsnavn, noe som også inkluderer samiske stedsnavn. Den overordnede problemstillingen er hvilke syn på stedsnavn har fire personer som har Magerøya som sitt hjemsted? For å finne ut av dette har jeg intervjuet fire personer, og forsøkt å belyse følgende ...
    • Multilingual experience modulates resting-state functional connectivity and executive functioning in cognitive aging 

      Gabrielsen, Anders (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-14)
      Bi-/multilingualism has been found to act favourably on the cognitive aging (CA) trajectory due to the increased executive functioning demands that dual-language use exerts on the brain leading to contributions to neurocognitive reserve and resilience. There is a gap in the literature on how individual differences in the degree of multilingualism influence this trajectory. Furthermore, other lifestyle ...
    • Bi-multilingual Language Engagement Shapes the Brain’s Functional Connectivity: An Aging Study on Resting State Brain Rhythms Correlated to Executive Functions 

      Berglund, Gaute (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Bi-multilingualism have been argued to help maintain cognitive functioning in aging through increased resilience to cognitive decline, known as cognitive reserves (CR). Researchers have argued that bi-multilingualism imposes unique cognitive demands that can change the brain’s structural and functional integrity. In order to investigate the effects of multilingual engagement on cognition, ...
    • Crosslinguistic Influence in Third Language Acquisition: Acquisition of an artificial language by Persian-English bilinguals 

      Nazari, Parisa (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Aims and objectives: This thesis investigates the role of the previously acquired languages, Persian and English, in the acquisition of morphosyntax of an artificial language (AL) at the very early stages of third language acquisition (L3A). The main objective of the study is to ask how lexical and syntactic similarities between the L3 and previously acquired languages affect crosslinguistic influence ...
    • Multilektal skriving hos ungdommar på Vestlandet. Ein studie av dialektbruk på digitale, sosiale medium hos to grupper ungdommar på Vestlandet. 

      Garatun, Maria Kristin (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-15)
      Denne mastergradsoppgåva har som føremål å undersøkje multilektal skriving, med hovudfokus på dialektbruk blant to ulike elevgrupper på Vestlandet. Problemstillinga for oppgåva er å undersøkje på kva for måte ser ein innslag av dialektskriving hos unge på Vestlandet? Dei to elevgruppene har ulik tilknyting til det nynorske skriftspråket, i form av at det nordlegaste utvalet er frå eit kjerneområdet ...
    • Political Forms of Infinity in Contemporary Ecopoetry and Ecofiction: Why We Read in a Time of Crisis 

      Lia, Edvard (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-12)
      Why read poetry and fiction when the world is burning, drowning, and quaking? This thesis seeks to provide an answer by arguing for the political efficacy of contemporary ecopoetry and ecofiction. Instead of viewing reading as an escape from ecopolitical struggles, I show the limited but productive role of literature in a time of crisis. Read together, Juliana Spahr’s book of poetry This Connection ...
    • The survival of the eccentric in a hyperreal culture: Media consumption and the public sphere in George Orwell’s 1984 and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 

      Harstad, Emil (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2023-05-11)
      This thesis explores eccentricity, media consumption, totalitarianism, capitalism, and the public sphere through George Orwell’s 1984 and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. I present the concept of the eccentric to showcase how to strengthen the public sphere and resist both totalitarianism and mindless capitalist consumption. By exploring these topics, I seek to shed light on how the novels in question ...