Now showing items 321-340 of 573

    • Taler i trykk: Bokhistoriske perspektiver på utgivelser av Læstadius' taler 

      Andreassen, Bengt-Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Målsettingen med denne artikkelen er todelt. Først gjøres en kartlegging av norske og svenske oversettelser og utgivelser av Lars Levi Læstadius’ taler (prekener). Dernest viser en bokhistorisk tilnærming til hver utgivelse hva bakgrunnen for utgivelsen og oversettelsen har vært. Kartleggingen har vist at senere postiller ses i sammenheng med tre finske utgivelser i perioden 1876 til 1924, som ...
    • De yngste barna som vegfarere i barnehagen 

      Myrstad, Anne; Sverdrup, Toril (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-04)
      Artikkelen fokuserer på de yngste barnas læringsprosesser gjennom deres involvering og engasjement med sosiale og fysiske omgivelser i barnehagen. Det løftes fram hvordan barnekropper i bevegelse er kilde for erkjennelse og læring. Som utgangspunkt for analysen har vi valgt to eksempler fra barns aktivitet i barnehagens uteområde. Forsker har vært tilstede som deltakende observatør, og inngått som ...
    • Realisering av utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling (UBU) – slik erfart av et utvalg naturfagslærere i videregående skole 

      Sundstrøm, Elina Maria; Killengreen, Siw Turid; Misund, Stig; Køller, Hans-Georg (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-09)
      Education for sustainable development has been implemented in the Norwegian teaching curriculum since 2005. The goal was initially to give the students knowledge in order for them to live more sustai­nable lives. We conducted interviews and a questionnaire survey to investigate how science teachers in upper secondary school teach this subject, and what they considered to be the challenges. Results ...
    • Samlokalisering av nødmeldingssentralene til politi, brann og helse utvider praksisfellesskapet og læring om samvirke 

      Antonsen, Yngve; Ellingsen, May-Britt (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-28)
      Casestudien undersøker hvordan samlokalisering av nødmeldingssentralene til politi, brann og helse påvirker læring og utvikling av transaksjonsminnesystem (TMS) på operativt nivå horisontalt mellom etater. Datamaterialet er innhentet fra ni norske nødmeldingssentraler med ulike samarbeidsbetingelser og geografi og er kategorisert i modellene SAMLOK, SPREDT og NÆR. Analysen av kvalitative ...
    • Newly qualified teachers’ understandings of research-based teacher education practices - Two cases from Finland and Norway 

      Jakhelln, Rachel Elise; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria; Aspfors, Jessica; Bjørndal, Kristin Emilie W; Stølen, Gerd (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-12)
      This study examines newly qualified teachers’ (NQTs) understandings of research-based teacher education practices by looking at two cases in Finland and Norway. The NQTs were interviewed after they had finished their master’s degrees and before they started their careers. The results of the individual semistructured interviews and a thematic analysis revealed a weak connection between research-based ...
    • Studenters læringsutbytte i barnehagelærerutdanningen – en problematisering av erfaringslæringens plass 

      Lafton, Tove; Furu, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-24)
      Artikkelen retter fokus mot begrepet erfaringslæring, for å undersøke studenters læringsutbytte i spenningsfeltet mellom teoretisk undervisning og praksis. Utdrag fra fokusgruppesamtaler, valgt ut gjennom tematisk analyse, danner utgangspunkt for å diskutere hvordan ulike innganger til begrepet erfaringslæring kan skape mulighetsrom i møter med studenter som har rik praksiserfaring fra barnehagefeltet. ...
    • Upper Secondary School in Norway: Discourses About Dropout in White Papers 

      Bjøru, Anne-Mette (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article investigates how two White Papers from the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, one from 1999 and one from 2017, articulate the concept of dropout. Bauman's concepts of strangers (Bauman, 1997) and retrotopia (Bauman, 2017) are used as a backdrop to support a broader understanding of the white papers' discourses. The article seeks to answer the following question: How has the ...
    • Group coaching that promotes self-Efficacy and role clarity among school leaders 

      Brandmo, Christian; Aas, Marit; Colbjørnsen, Tor; Olsen, Rolf (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-29)
      Group coaching is emerging as an approach with a strong potential for developing leadership competencies. However, there is little research on its use in the professional training of school leaders. In this study, we investigate the outcome of and the processes involved in group coaching using data from reflection papers and evaluations. The results suggest that group coaching fosters self-efficacy ...
    • "La elva leve": Alta-saken som rollespill i historieundervisninga 

      Johanson, Lisbeth Bergum; Pedersen, Helge Christian (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-13)
      The annual staging of a role play for school pupils called “La elva leve” (‘Let the River Live’) at Alta museum addresses the conflict over the building of a hydroelectric power plant in the Alta-Kautokeino watercourse between 1978-82. The confrontation has an important legacy, not least by bringing the issue of Sámi Indigenous rights into the national limelight. This article discusses how the ...
    • eHealth initiatives; the relationship between project work and institutional practice 

      Warth, Line Lundvoll; Dyb, Kari (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-24)
      <i>Background</i>: Large-scale, national eHealth services, such as the summary care record (SCR) and electronic prescriptions (e-prescriptions), have been implemented by project managers as Norwegian health authority initiatives. Few studies have been conducted on the large-scale implementation of eHealth services and the relationship between the implementers’ work and the use of the tools in ...
    • To ulike utdanninger for skolens mellomtrinn. Er det samsvar mellom planverk og praksislæreres erfaringer med studentenes kompetanser på 1-7 og 5-10 utdanningene? 

      Karlsen, Solveig; Olufsen, Magne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      I 2010 ble det ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet startet opp et nasjonalt pilotprosjekt (Pilot i Nord) med 5-årige integrerte masterutdanninger for trinn 1-7 og 5-10. I denne kvalitative sammenligningsstudien har vi intervjuet åtte praksislærere på mellomtrinnet (trinn 5-7) med veiledningserfaring fra begge disse utdanningene og undersøkt om de opplever kompetanseforskjeller mellom studentgruppene. ...
    • Målt fysisk aktivitetsnivå i tre barnehager sommer og vinter 

      Danielsen, Karin Helene; Mathisen, Gunnar; Stålesen, Jarle Hansen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-01)
      <i>Bakgrunn</i>: Studier nasjonalt og internasjonalt indikerer at barn i alderen tre til fem år ikke oppnår retningslinjene for anbefalingene (2014) om minimum 60 minutter med moderat til høy fysisk aktivitet (MVPA) per dag. Studiens hovedmål var å undersøke fysisk aktivitetsnivå hos barnehagebarn i tre barnehager i alderen tre til fem år i en periode om vinteren og en periode om våren/sommere ...
    • Teachers’ Experience in the Subject of Food and Health and the Promotion of Health in Norwegian Lower Secondary Schools 

      Øvrebø, Else Marie (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019-02)
      This study describes the teachers' experiences and views regarding the extent to which the subject food and health promotes health in lower secondary schools. The teachers wish to build their teaching on the pupils’ assumptions and references, but they find this problematical because they have little or no knowledge of their pupils. In addition to support from the homes, the teachers point to ...
    • Masterutdanning i naturfag for grunnskolelærere. Erfaringer fra pilotprosjektet i Tromsø 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar (Conference object; Konferansebidrag, 2019-01-19)
    • Inspired by image: A multimodal analysis of 10th grade English school-leaving written examinations set in Norway (2014-2018) 

      Jakobsen, Ingrid K. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      What role does multimodality play in assessment in the English subject in Norway? This article focuses on final written examinations from 2014 to 2018 and investigates the multimodal literacy skills that examinations invite lower secondary school students to demonstrate. Examinations in the English subject are digital and technically open to a rich multimodal practice. Analysis in this article ...
    • What about the migrant children? The state-of-the-art in research claiming social sustainability 

      Boldermo, Sidsel; Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-16)
      This study aimed to investigate research articles that relate to education for sustainability, primarily in early childhood, in order to describe to what extent a holistic perspective on education for sustainability has been applied, and how the social dimension is conceptualized. <br>The review comprised research articles in Nordic Journals of Education, International Journals of Early Childhood ...
    • Practicing Belonging in Kindergarten: Children’s use of Places and Artefacts. 

      Boldermo, Sidsel (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2019-06-07)
      Boldermo presents a summary of the relationship between early childhood education for social sustainability and migrant children’s negotiations of social identity and belonging in early childhood. Focusing on the football and the football pitch, the chapter draws attention to how children’s practices of belonging can be understood through their use of artifacts and places in the kindergarten. ...
    • Enhancing the understanding of clinically meaningful results: A clinical research perspective 

      Nordahl-Hansen, Anders; Øien, Roald A; Volkmar, Fred R.; Shic, Frederick; Cicchetti, Domenic V. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-31)
      Published research often address aspects related to “statistical significance” but fail to address the clinical and practical importance and meaning of results. Our main objectives in this article are to investigate the merit of common measures of Effect Size in statistical research and to highlight the importance of the simple Relative Risk ratio. In this article we present data where we consider ...
    • Sex- and sex hormone-related variations in energy-metabolic frontal brain asymmetries: A magnetic resonance spectroscopy study 

      Hjelmervik, Helene; Hausmann, Markus; Craven, Alexander R.; Hirnstein, Marco; Hugdahl, Kenneth; Specht, Karsten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2018-01-31)
      Creatine is a key regulator of brain energy homeostasis, and well-balanced creatine metabolism is central in healthy brain functioning. Still, the variability of brain creatine metabolism is largely unattended in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) research. In the human brain, marginal sex differences in creatine levels have been found in the prefrontal cortex. It is however not known to ...