Recent additions

  • Om sorg og omsorg i Torun Lians Bare skyer beveger stjernene (1994) 

    Ramberg, Ingri Løkholm (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
  • Å flette og veve med samiske kunnskapsforståelser i barnehagen 

    Myrstad, Anne (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-21)
    Making space for Sámi knowledge in kindergarten is the focus of the article. Making space refers concretely to the design of a Sámi-inspired outdoor area in an urban kindergarten, located in Sápmi. In the kindergarten's outdoor area, two play installations have been designed with clear references to Sea Sámi coastal culture. By applying relational Sámi approaches to knowledge, the article highlights ...
  • Storylines from Newcomers’ Perspectives: The Complexities of Learning Mathematics in a Norwegian Introductory Class 

    Pasanha, Shanthi Gretta; Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth Ann; Simensen, Anita Movik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-16)
    This paper investigates storylines from newcomers’ perspectives on their experiences of learning mathematics in an introductory mathematics classroom setting in Norway. We engaged in participatory research at a school over time. The data in this article come from observations and conversational interviews. Positioning theory guided our analysis in identifying storylines and related positionings. Our ...
  • Storylines from Newcomers’ Perspectives: The Complexities of Learning Mathematics in a Norwegian Introductory Class 

    Pasanha, Shanthi Gretta; Andersson, Annica; Herbel-Eisenmann, Beth Ann; Simensen, Anita Movik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-16)
    This paper investigates storylines from newcomers’ perspectives on their experiences of learning mathematics in an introductory mathematics classroom setting in Norway. We engaged in participatory research at a school over time. The data in this article come from observations and conversational interviews. Positioning theory guided our analysis in identifying storylines and related positionings. ...
  • Early career teachers’ beliefs and management of work intensification in Norway and Spain 

    Antonsen, Yngve; Pruaño, Antonio Portela; Stenseth, Anna Maria Helena; Skytterstad, Remi (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-28)
    This article provides a comparative analysis of primary and secondary early career teachers (ECTs) in Norwegian and Spanish schools. We compared ECTs’ beliefs on what work intensification involves and the ways they address it at their workplaces across these two different national contexts. The theory of practice architectures is used as an analytical lens to thematically examine data from two ...
  • Opportunity to learn in Norwegian and Finnish lower secondary mathematics textbooks 

    Haavold, Per Øystein; Storaas, Ane; Johnsen, Marthe; Strand, Kristoffer; Heimstad, Carina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    Although both Finland and Norway are part of a common Nordic education culture, Finland have consistently outperformed the other Nordic countries in PISA studies. In this study, we compare Finnish and Norwegian textbook series. The results indicate that both textbook series largely facilitate skill efficiency, and most tasks are low cognitive demand. However, the Finnish textbook series facilitate ...
  • Are Speech Sound Difficulties Risk Factors for Difficulties in Language and Reading Skills? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

    Sørli, Line Walquist; Caglar-Ryeng, Ømur; Furnes, Bjarte Reidar; Nilssen, Trude Nergård; Donolato, Enrica; Melby-Lervåg, Monica (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-02)
    Background: Children with speech sound difficulties often require educational psychology services, yet systematic reviews examining the association between these difficulties and language or reading problems are lacking. This meta-analysis examines whether these children are at higher risk of language and reading difficulties compared to their peers.<p> <p>Method: The study analyzed 290 effect ...
  • Gender Diversity, Gender Dysphoria/Incongruence, and the Intersection with Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Updated Scoping Review 

    Rea, Hannah M.; Øien, Roald A; Webb, Sara Jane; Bansal, Shivam; Strang, John F.; Nordahl-Hansen, Anders (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-04)
    In several ways, 2018 represents a global pivot point in research and care related to the intersection of gender diversity and autism, reflected by the increase in the number of studies on the intersection and broadening of topics. We conducted a scoping review of the literature published between September 2018 and January 2024 to summarize recent research in the field. We compared and contrasted ...
  • Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education and Care: Insights from Portuguese and Norwegian Curriculum Frameworks 

    Dardanou, Maria; Brito, Rita (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-20)
    The significance of family involvement in Early Childhood Education and Care has gained considerable attention within national reforms and regulations across various countries. This study aims to examine the early childhood education curriculum frameworks pertaining to family participation in Portugal and Norway. By analysing the national curriculum frameworks of these two countries, this study ...
  • Philosophies of Sámi Education: Indigeneity, Place and Learning 

    Jannok Nutti, Ylva; Johansson, Viktor Magne; Schaffar, Birgit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-21)
    The varied landscape of Sápmi – ranging from forests, coasts, mountains, tundra, and mires – and the livelihoods of those who live there have developed Sámi forms pedagogy, child-rearing, and education. This special issue explores the philosophies of Sámi education. The issue adopts a broad notion of education that involves formal and informal educational settings, kindergartens, schools and ...
  • INTRODUCTION: Philosophies of Sámi Education: Indigeneity, Place and Learning 

    Jannok Nutti, Ylva; Johansson, Viktor Magne; Schaffar, Birgit (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-21)
    The varied landscape of Sápmi – ranging from forests, coasts, mountains, tundra, and mires – and the livelihoods of those who live there have developed Sámi forms pedagogy, child-rearing, and education. This special issue explores the philosophies of Sámi education. The issue adopts a broad notion of education that involves formal and informal educational settings, kindergartens, schools and ...
  • Samarbeidslæring: En egnet tilnærming for mer inkluderende kroppsøving? 

    Furulund, Jens-Erik; Bjørke, Lars (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-30)
    Forskning viser at kroppsøvingsfaget ikke lykkes med å inkludere alle elever i like stor grad. For å lykkes med inkludering er det derfor nødvendig å utforske nye pedagogiske tilnærminger. Denne studien undersøker hvorvidt samarbeidslæring (SL) som pedagogisk modell kan bidra til å skape et mer inkluderende klassemiljø. Problemstillingen som undersøkes, er: Hvordan erfarer lærer og elever samarbeidslæring ...
  • Global perspectives on the management of primary progressive aphasia 

    Galée, Jeanne; Cartwright, Jade; Graso, Stephanie; Jokel, Regina; Lavoie, Monica; McGowan, Ellen; Pozzebon, Margaret Daniella; Beber, Barbara Costa; Duboisdindien, Guillaume; Montagut, Núria; Norvik, Monica I.; Sugimoto, Taiki; Townsend, Rosemary; Unger, Nina; Winsnes, Ingvild Elisabeth; Volkmer, Anna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-24)
    Speech-language therapists/pathologists (SLT/Ps) are key professionals in the management and treatment of primary progressive aphasia (PPA), however, there are gaps in education and training within the discipline, with implications for skills, confidence, and clinical decision-making. This survey aimed to explore the areas of need amongst SLT/Ps working with people living with PPA (PwPPA) internationally ...
  • Mixed methods som utgangspunkt for barnehagefaglig forskning 

    Madsen, Siri Sollied; Birkeland, Johanna; Borgen, Jorunn Spord (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-05)
    Kapittelet presenterer de mest sentrale elementene i et mixed methods-design, og det redegjøres for mangfoldet innenfor denne måten å arbeide på. Ut fra et pragmatisk ståsted gir kapittelet et innblikk i hvordan slike studier kan tilføre merverdi når man forsker på komplekse menneskelige fenomener som barnehage. Mixed methods-design innebærer at forskeren samler og analyserer data, sammenstiller ...
  • Mixed methods: det dynamiske og komplekse møtet mellom kvalitative og kvantitative perspektiver 

    Madsen, Siri Sollied; Bjørner, Thomas (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-05)
    Som mixed methods-forsker må man orientere seg i et komplekst metodeterreng når det gjelder valg av metoder og vitenskapsteoretisk ståsted. I dette kapittelet presenteres en tilgang til å forstå metodisk kompleksitet gjennom en utviklet modell som inkluderer både metodologisk eklektisisme og paradigmatisk pluralisme. I motsetning til kategoriske antagelser knyttet til metoders anvendelse i praksis ...
  • "Det er kvensk å tro/ at man ikke er kvensk" 

    Karlsen, Silje Solheim (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-04)
    I M. Seppola Simonsens diktsamling Syđänmettä (2022) tematiseres et tapt språk, tapt kultur og tapt identitet. De kvenske ordene blir ikke oversatt, og det er gjennom det kvenske blikket diktene posisjonerer seg. Diktjeget er flytende, grenser er flytende, språk, sted og natur er klangbunn. Med utgangspunkt i teori om blant annet språkets performativitet og perspektiver omkring sanseblanding vil jeg ...
  • Etisk design ved barns bruk av GoPro-teknologi i barnehageforskning 

    Kleemann, Carola Babette; Myrstad, Anne (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-11-05)
    I dette kapittelet argumenterer vi for hvordan barns bruk av GoPro-kamera kan frambringe verdifull tverrfaglig visuell og auditiv data, men også være et ledd i å anerkjenne barns egne «stemmer», blikk og kommunikasjonsuttrykk i forskning som angår deres liv. Barns bruk av GoPro – små, kroppsnære aksjonskameraer – er en intervenerende praksis. Slike praksiser fordrer at forskerne utvikler et etisk ...

    Sønsterud, Hilda; Landmark, Anne Marie; Sikveland, Rein Ove (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Selv om løpsk tale sammen med stamming utgjør en spesifikk diagnose i ICD-11, er løpsk tale fortsatt en ukjent vanske i befolkningen generelt. Med vårt tverrfaglige forskningssamarbeid ønsker vi å bidra til utformingen av en mer kontekstsensitiv forståelsesramme i møte med og i kunnskapen om løpsk tale. Ny kunnskap om løpsk tale, og hvordan vi best kan støtte personer med løpsk tale, vil bidra til ...
  • Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of teaching trials: Developing pedagogical content knowledge in EFL grammar through university-school collaboration 

    Holmbukt, Tove Elinor (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-20)
    This study explored how ‘teaching trials’ within initial teacher education (ITE) for English can contribute to the development of pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), specifically in the teaching of grammar in English as a foreign language (EFL). The research incorporated self-reporting methods to gather insights from PSTs about their experiences and development through ...
  • Transition space: navigating dilemmas between mainstream and minority language classrooms 

    Kosner, Lukas Espenes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-11-15)
    From policymaking to classroom practices, educational language policy implementation is a complex process filled with a cacophony of voices. This article examines policy implementation as it unfolds in micro-level transitions between mainstream classrooms and lessons in Sámi, Kven, or Finnish as a second language (SKF) in Norway. In such situations, SKF pupils need to leave their mainstream classes ...

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