Viser treff 1-20 av 7687

    • Sensing Polar Ice Bodies 

      Spreter, Stephanie von (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-02-23)
      This chapter investigates how the long-term project we are opposite like that (2017–2022) by contemporary artist Himali Singh Soin engages with posthuman feminist concepts within an Arctic discourse, here in particular in relation to the climatic changes that lead to the melting of the Polar caps, and what the gradual disappearance and transformation of what has dominated its landscape and mythologies ...
    • Samisk etnomatematikk- hva, hvorfor og hvordan? 

      Fyhn, Anne Birgitte; Partapuoli, Anna Kaisa; Steinfjell, Ann Synnøve; Labba, Pia-Maria (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Kapitlet viser hva samisk matematisk praksis kan være og hvordan matematikklærere kan bidra til identifisering og verdsetting av samisk kultur på kulturens premisser. Overordnet del av læreplanen (Kunnskapsdepartementet [KD], 2017) slår fast at opplæringa skal gi elevene kunnskaper og ferdigheter til å forstå dilemmaer som ligger i å anerkjenne både flertallets og mindretallets rettigheter. Samer ...
    • The Idea of Free Will and the Self in Education 

      Solberg, Mariann (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      The chapter discuss how selected theories on free will can help us understand and take a critical perspective on conceptions of self in education today. The chapter is a contribution to a philosophical anthropology for education and a contribution to a metaphysics of education, in the sense that it gives an answer to the question “What is man?” Both Kant and Sartre’s assumption of the existence of ...
    • Learning and unlearning Verb Second word order 

      Bohnacker, Ute; Westergaard, Marit Kristine Richardsen (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      The topic of this chapter is Verb Second (V2) word order, which is primarily found in main clauses in most of the Germanic languages. The chapter first describes the standard theoretical analyses of this syntactic phenomenon and then goes on to provide an overview of what we know about the acquisition of V2 by monolingual children as well as simultaneously and successively bilingual children. This ...
    • Phrasal Vowel Harmony 

      Downing, Laura J.; Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Vowel harmony is usually claimed to be word bound, and the ‘word’ is usually taken to refer to the phonological word, not the grammatical word, since compounds are often disharmonic. Indeed, vowel harmony is said to rarely cross lexical word boundaries, either within compounds or within phrases. (See, e.g., Archangeli & Pulleyblank 2007; Hyman 2002; Kaisse 2019; Kiparsky, this volume; Krämer 2003; ...
    • Non-alternating, non-participating, and idiosyncratic vowels 

      Krämer, Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Vowel harmony usually results in a domain, such as the prosodic word, containing only vowels 8 of the same type, e.g., only front or only back vowels, to the exclusion of back or front vowels, 9 respectively. Such sequences of like vowels are often disrupted or do not span over the whole 10 domain because of vowels in the string that do not participate (van der Hulst & van de Weijer 11 1995; Baković ...
    • Kvinner, hunder og polare bragder. Erfaringer fra hundekjøringsliv 

      Granås, Brynhild (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Etappen fra Rohn til Nikolai finner sted nokså tidlig i det mer enn 1600 kilometer lange hundeløpet Iditarod, som har gått gjennom Alaska hvert år siden 1973. Det er på denne etappen spannene skal gjennom The Burns. I et videointervju fra 2012 forteller den norske hundekjøreren Sigrid Ekran om sin ferd gjennom denne sagnomsuste strekningen: <p> <p><i>Det er litt berykta ut av Rohn. Der kjører du ...
    • Diversity studies 

      Vitikainen, Annamari (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Diversity Studies refers to a broad variety of studies that takes diversity – incl. cultural, religious, ethnic, linguistic, gender, sexuality, ability, age, and class – as one of its central focuses, and looks into the effects of one or several types of such diversity to a variety of social, political, economic, etc. phenomena. This entry discusses some of the background questions and normative ...
    • ‘It’s just not fear’ – Fictional Narratives’ Role in the Development of Pupils’ Perception of Justice and Morality 

      Olsen, Christopher Loe (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Education is an investment. Although this claim is both controversial, cynical, and ultimately misguided, it holds some truths. The core of education is to allow children, adolescents, and young adults to develop not only the skills, knowledge, and values that are necessary to participate and thrive in society, but also prepare them to cultivate human values, such as a sense of justice, ethics and ...
    • Velg tjenestedesign! Hva skjer da, og hvordan virker det? 

      Brattvoll, Morten; Danielsen, Ådne Martin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      I dette kapitlet studerer vi bruken av tjenestedesignmetodikk i forbindelse med Utdanningsdirektoratet sitt arbeid med å innføre en ny læreplan i det norske skoleverket. Den nye læreplanen er et resultat av arbeidet med fagfornyelsen i Norge, og tjener som forskrift til opplæringsloven. 1 Ifølge Kunnskapsdepartementet er fagfornyelsen den største endringen av norske læreplaner for grunnskolen og ...
    • A Conctruction for the Transmission of Growth: On Metaphors in Education 

      Opdal, Pål Anders (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Metaphors are ubiquitous in education. In this paper an attempt is made to explore two questions that are thus pertinent: Why – and is this an unhappy state of affairs? Using the interaction-view of metaphor as analytical frame (Black 1954/55), a possible mechanism behind metaphor-generation in education is identified. According to the interaction view, metaphors function by a mechanism of ...
    • Introduction 

      Moi, Ruben Rune (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      Literature is an institution per se, as is justice, and these two institutions enact each other in complex ways. Justice appears in many forms from divine right and religious ordainment to metaphysical imperative and natural law, to national jurisdiction, social order, human rights, and civil disobedience. What is just and right has varied in time and place, in war and peace. A sense of justice ...
    • The Legacy of Semaus Heaney's North 

      Moi, Ruben Rune (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      “What is history? What is love? What is justice? Sanity? Reason? Do the gods really exist, and does it matter?” Professor of law Yxta Maya Murray (2015, 137) certainly asks the grand questions in “Punishment and the Costs of Knowledge,” many of which will be recognized in Shakespeare’s drama, in French philosophy, and by people who appreciate the “good literature” that “summons powerful emotions” ...
    • A global framework for integrating public health into well-being: why a public well-being system is needed 

      Lippai, Laszlo; Tarko, Klara; Tanyi, Attila Geza; Kollanyi, Zsofia; Arapovics, Maria; Vitrai, Jozsef (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-06)
      There is a growing focus on public health initiatives that prioritise well-being. The main question of our study is whether this, in its current form, can really represent a new response to the challenges of previous strategies, or whether there is a greater chance that it will essentially reproduce the problems associated with the paradoxical situation of public health.Based on a review, analysis ...
    • Kvensk revitalisering, normering og leksikografi 

      Räisänen, Anna-Kaisa; Eriksen, Aili Maria; Kjærstad, Thomas Brevik; Trosterud, Trond (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-05)
      An online dictionary and language technology for Kven language have been developed in a collaborative project between the Kven Institute and Giellatekno at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Sources for the material are older texts and learning material that are available for the public. Several hundred hours of spoken material in old recordings, however, have still not been used. Utilising this ...
    • Russland: ord om krig og krig om ord 

      Janda, Laura Alexis; Nesset, Tore (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2025-03-05)
      Ord speiler virkeligheten, også krigens virkelighet i dagens Russland. Samtidig pågår det en «krig» om ordenes betydning. Er det regimet i Kreml eller folk flest som bestemmer hva ordene skal bety?
    • Autonomous hunter-gatherer children in hierarchical schools: a review of the literature from the global South 

      Hays, Jennifer Lynn; Ninkova, Velina; Lavi, Noa; Lew-Levy, Sheina; da Silva Macedo, Silvia Lopes; Davis, Helen; Ali, Aishah (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-20)
      We recently conducted a review of the literature regarding hunter-gatherer children’s schooling experiences in the global South (Ninkova et al 2024). In this research note, we highlight one central finding of our review: that the autonomy granted to hunter-gatherer children determines their participation in school. Children decide for themselves whether they will attend. Children also decide for ...
    • Perspectives from science teacher educators on the potential contribution of Sámi traditional knowledge to sustainable development 

      Melis, Claudia; Kvivesen, Mona; Munkebye, Eli (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-25)
      Introduction: This study investigates how Sámi traditional knowledge is integrated in science teacher education in Norway, and what teacher educators declare about its potential contribution to sustainable development.<p> <p>Methods: Data was collected through an anonymous electronic survey and analyzed by means of both qualitative and quantitative methods. Thirty-nine respondents from 15 teacher ...
    • Comprehensive security, disinformation, and COVID-19: An analysis of the impacts of mis- and disinformation and populist narratives during the pandemic 

      Bilal, Arsalan; Gjørv, Gunhild Birgitta Hoogensen; Lanteigne, Marc Edouard; Brancaleoni, Rachele; Gjørv, Jardar Einride Hoogensen; Gui, Daniele; Kielar, Justyna Karolina; Aluola, Caleb; Magalini, Sabina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-11-23)
      The COVID-19 pandemic has generated many fundamental and challenging implications regarding security, for both states and people. This article addresses the pandemic as a security threat, whereby societal and human dimensions of security are intertwined with the narrower (so-called traditional) state dimensions, culminating in comprehensive security. This article uses mixed methods, combining desk ...
    • Lyttelæring gjennom lyttesirkel 

      Nordli, Ingrid Cathrin (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-16)
      I dette arbeidet presenteres et øvingsopplegg hvor lyttesirkel er brukt som samtale- og læringsverktøy i den hensikt at uerfarne lyttere skal oppleve økning i lytteforståelse og utvikling av lytteferdigheter. Datainnsamlingen ble utført ved to ulike spørreskjemaer. Et skjema ble brukt etter hver av to gjennomførte lyttesirkler, et annet skjema ble knyttet til en oppfølgingssamtale en tid etter ...