Viser treff 1-20 av 7510

    • Exploring Code Switching as a Strategy for Euphemism: A study of Bilingual Undergraduate of Pashto and English in Degree college Wari, Dir Upper 

      Ahmad, Zeeshan (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-09-20)
      This research explores the motivations behind code-switching behavior, particularly focusing on its occurrence within the context of group discussions among English undergraduate students. Twenty participants, consisting of seven females and thirteen males, were observed during group discussions and subsequently interviewed individually to elucidate the reasons underlying their code-switching ...
    • The competitive edge of Norway's hydrogen by 2030: Socio-environmental considerations 

      Cheng, Claudia Siew Wan; van Greevenbroek, Koen; Viole, Isabelle (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-30)
      Can Norway be an important hydrogen exporter to the European Union (EU) by 2030? We explore three scenarios in which Norway's hydrogen export market may develop: A Business-as-usual, B Moderate Onshore, C Accelerated Offshore. Applying a sector-coupled energy system model, we examine the techno-economic viability, spatial and socio-economic considerations for blue and green hydrogen export in the ...
    • Communicative function in child directed speech: A cross-cultural analysis 

      Zhao, Chen; Serratrice, Ludovica; Lieven, Elena; Steele, Circle; Malik, Nivedita; An, Yi; Hayden, Emily; Cameron-Faulkner, Thea; Neumegen, Jo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-26)
      Language development can be framed as the process of learning how to mean (Halliday, 1975). From this perspective, the role of communicative function is central to the languagelearning process with development being guided by interaction with experienced others. In the current study, we present a detailed analysis of the communicative functions used in interaction with prelinguistic infants aged ...
    • The Vicissitudes of Becoming: Holding Space among a community in Tākaka 

      Laucina, Ieva (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-01)
      This thesis represents embodied practices in everyday life in an intentional community, facilitated by a visionary, feminist and a peace activist Sunshine Appleby in Aotearoa New Zealand. Established in 2018, the New Directions Connections Learning Centre is rooted towards spiritual awakening, community building, commensalities of healthy eating and zero-waste living. Holistic and utopian by its ...
    • De covid-våkne, Et antropologisk studium av konspirasjonsteorier og modernitet. 

      Blom, Katrine Eimhjellen (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2022-06-12)
      Oppgaven tar for seg motstandsbevegelsen mot lock-down og vaksiner som vokste frem under koronapandemien. Fokuset er rettet mot forhold som fant sted i Norge, men satt sammen i en overnasjonal kontekst. Ved bruk av blant annet Colin Campbells begrep Cultic milieu og Anthony Giddens modernitetsteorier, har prosjektet som mål å identifisere noen viktige sammenhenger for fremveksten av denne bevegelsen; ...
    • The Forgotten Queer Utopia 

      Imperitura, Lorenzo (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-10-30)
      Queerness is inherently utopian, just as the concept of utopia is inherently queer. Both utopia and queerness are a result of stepping out of a restrictive and oppressive space-time framing, hence why the need of creating worlds or realities that are outside the area of influence of majoritarian forces. The possibility of escaping and resisting a hierarchical and oppressive system allows the rise ...
    • Lexical interference and prediction in sentence processing among Russian heritage speakers: an individual differences approach 

      Prystauka, Yanina; Hao, Jiuzhou; Cabrera Perez, Reinaldo; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-04)
      In line with emerging trends examining sentence processing in heritage language (HL) bilingualism and adopting an individual differences approach, the present study investigated the role of prediction and lexical interference in 68 Russian HL bilinguals in North America. The former was investigated by examining how Russian HL bilinguals processed sentences with semantically constraining verbs, whereas ...
    • Saved by the snowy owl: An intersectional analysis of indigenous rights and biodiversity in the Kvalsund wind power project in Norway 

      Mohammed, Larry Ibrahim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-09-19)
      Recent literature on energy justice highlights the need for intersectional considerations in energy decisions. This article addresses this research gap by presenting an intersectional analysis of a rejected wind power application in Northern Norway. By employing critical discourse analysis of the primary documents in the process, such as the wind power application, impact assessments, correspondences ...
    • En kvalitativ undersøkelse av unge somaliske menns opplevelser av eksklusjon. 

      Dhiblawe, Abdirashid (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-08-05)
      Formålet med denne studien er å belyse om og hvordan unge somaliske menn opplever eksklusjon i det norske samfunnet, særlig med fokus på utdanningssystemet, arbeidsmarkedet og ulike fritidsarenaer. Problemstillingen for studien er: om og hvordan unge somaliske menn opplever eksklusjon i Norge. Studien setter søkelys på menn i alderen 18-25 år og deres erfaring knyttet til opplevelse av eksklusjon i ...
    • Review of David Myer Temin, Remapping Sovereignty: Decolonization and Self-Determination in North American Political Thought. University of Chicago Press, 2023. 

      Castor, Laura Virginia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-31)
      To be reminded of how contested issues around political sovereignty are in our time, one need only glance at news headlines. Readers expect, in fact, a daily bombardment of updates on war, genocide, and famine on multiple continents, and news of the latest wave of refugee deportation in the US and Europe. At the level of cultural and educational sovereignty, we confront the increasing precarity of ...
    • Kunnskapsoverføring i Etterretningsbataljon. Realisering av Hærens etterretningskonsept i Etterretningsbataljon i perioden 2019-2023. 

      Riley, Bjørnar Francis Skog (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-02)
      Denne masteroppgaven forsker på kunnskapsoverføring gjennom å studere prosessen da Hærens etterretningskonsept av 2019 skulle realiseres i Etterretningsbataljon i tidsperioden 2019-2023. Formålet med studien er å identifisere læringsmomenter fra denne prosessen som kan benyttes i avdelingens utvikling mot et regiment i tråd med ny langtidsplan for Forsvaret. Det teoretiske rammeverket baserer ...
    • Utforming av domstolstrukturen for tingrettene i Norge: En analyse av beslutningsprosessen ved domstolsreformen av 2021 

      Tobiassen, Wilde Elea Korntorp (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-06-02)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg beslutningsprosessen som ledet fram til vedtak av domstolsreformen av 2021. For å analysere prosessen som ledet fram til domstolsreformen, er det valgt å ta utgangspunkt i et overordnet strømperspektiv som rammeverk og tre ulike beslutningsmodeller; den rasjonelle modellen, forhandlingsmodellen og garbage can-modellen. Hensikten er å studere hvordan beslutningen har blitt ...
    • Rolle og handlingsrom ved endringsarbeid for mellomledere i kommunal helse- og omsorgstjenester. - En kvalitativ undersøkelse om hvordan det er å være virksomhetsleder i helse og omsorg i en varslet krise 

      Nordmo-Stykket, Kine (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-30)
      Norge har i mange tiår økt i omfang til helse- og omsorgstjenester. Antallet eldre øker, og dermed også en forventning til at flere vil trenge helsehjelp. Samtidig harr færre barn blitt født, og det vil derfor i fremtiden være for få i arbeidsaktiv alder til å levere tjenester slik det gjøres nå, i alle deler av samfunnet. Økonomisk ser en at kommunene melder store problemer med å levere tjenestene ...
    • Learning to Reconcile: Entextualisation of a Multilingual Municipality Sign in Educationscapes of Sápmi 

      Johansen, Åse Mette; Sollid, Hilde (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      The sign of the trilingual municipality Gáivuotna – Kåfjord – Kaivuono is one of the most discussed items in the linguistic landscapes of Sápmi and Norway. In 1992, the municipality was included in the Administrative Area for Sámi Language, and monolingual Norwegian road signs were replaced with bilingual ones that also included the North Sámi name. Shortly afterwards, the bilingual signs were ...
    • Implicated Readers: Just Storytelling and Violence Against Migrant Women 

      Falke, Cassandra Marie (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-03)
    • Det er sytten år siden sist vi kunne se en stor komet, men nå skjer det igjen 

      Thorvaldsen, Steinar; Irgens, Børge (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2024-10-08)
      Få himmelfenomener får like mye oppmerksomhet som store kome­ter når de en sjelden gang dukker opp på stjerne­himmelen. For første gang på 17 år er muligheten her igjen, når kometen Tsuchinshan-ATLAS snart gjør en visitt.
    • Annotated Bibliography Postcolonial/Decolonial Texts 1952-2020 

      Losleben, Lisa Katrin; Wong, Julia; Wigstøl, Oda Nigist (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)
      The creation of this systematic bibliography of postcolonial and decolonial texts was supported generously by the department for gender equality and diversity (Likestillings- og mangfoldsutvalget) at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2020. The overarching project aimed at analyzing power relations in the classroom of a university in Sápmi. The bibliography provides a rough chronological overview ...
    • Kant on Peace and Conflict 

      Himmelmann, Beatrix (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)
      On the one hand, Immanuel Kant is famous for his idea of “perpetual peace”; on the other hand, he argues that human beings need antagonism and conflict in order to develop and flourish. By emphasising both the requirement of peace and the productivity of conflict, Kant pays tribute to the inherent ambivalence of human nature that his well-known phrase of man’s “unsociable sociability” (ungesellige ...
    • Analysis of Norway’s approach towards violence in close relationships 

      Garduño Niño, Regina (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-08-16)
      Intimate partner violence (IPV) and intimate partner homicide (IPH) persist worldwide at an alarming rate. Norway is no exception, despite its high levels of gender equality. Partner murders constitute 25% of the total murders in the country (NOU 2020:17, 52). This proportion increased to almost 30% between the fall of 2021 and the fall of 2022 (Kripos 2023, 26). This thesis analyzes the main ...
    • Taleteknologi og kunstig intelligens 

      Kvale, Knut; Gulla, Jon Atle; Adde, Line; Solberg, Per Erik; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Moshagen, Sjur Nørstebø (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2022-12-29)
      Taleteknologi gjør at maskiner kan forstå hva vi sier og snakke selv. Men teknogigantene og engelsk som språk dominerer utviklingen. Hvordan sikre overlevelsen til norske språk?