Viser treff 21-40 av 7496

    • Resisting unfinished colonial business in Southern Saami reindeer herding landscapes: Struggles over knowledges, worldviews, and values 

      Fjellheim, Eva Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2024-10-28)
      Globally, Indigenous peoples resist capitalist expansion, while climate change accelerates destruction of our landscapes and lifeworlds. In Saepmie, the Saami homelands, the double burden from climate change and its mitigation measures has been named green colonialism. In this thesis, I study epistemic controversies in Saami reindeer herding landscapes and explore how they are entangled in Nordic-Saami ...
    • Picaros and Shapeshifters: The Postcolonial Picaresque Style in GauZ’s Standing Heavy 

      Niemi, Minna Johanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-22)
      I read GauZ’s Standing Heavy in connection with the postcolonial picaresque style, as GauZ’s Ivorian immigrant characters are robust survivors who see through the French system and criticize it through their anti-idealist viewpoints. This cynical view, often disclosed through roguish language, provides the author the possibility of expressing aggression toward the unfair system and highlighting ...
    • «Veiledninga fra praksislærer sluttet liksom ikke den dagen vi var ferdige i praksis» En studie av trepartssamarbeid rundt lærerstudenters FoU-oppgave 

      Killengreen, Siw Turid; Unhjem, Astrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-09)
      I denne studien har vi undersøkt hvordan lærerstudentene opplevde arbeidet med FoUoppgaven på 3. studieår når praksislærer ble frikjøpt fra skolen én dag i uka og kunne være mer til stede i veiledningsprosessen. Data ble samlet inn gjennom spørreskjema til alle studentene og i tillegg gjennom fokusgruppeintervju med studentene som hadde utvidet samarbeid med praksislærer. Resultatene viser at den ...
    • Approaches to spatial inequalities in a Nordic welfare state – the case of Norway 

      Bæck, Unn-Doris Karlsen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-29)
      In this article, the position of the core ideas of equity and equal opportunities within the Nordic model of education today is problematized, using Norway as the case of interest and spatial dividing lines as the main variable in question. I am specifically preoccupied with geographical education differences as part of the ‘unequal opportunity problem’ in Nordic education. Focusing on spatial ...
    • Vitenskapelige stereotypier. Om konstruksjonen av samene som kulturhistorisk enhet i tida fram mot 1910 

      Baglo, Cathrine (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2001)
      Rundt 1900 er arkeologien i Norge formalisert som vitenskapelig disiplin med vekt på det norske (Keller 1978, Opedal 1996). Det nasjonalistiske preget var ikke noe unikt for arkeologien her til lands; som den norske arkeologen Haakon Shetelig uttalte i 1910; “ det er nesten overalt det nationale som har været det drivende i den europeiske arkeologi” (Shetelig 1910:59). Til forskjell fra arkeologi i ...
    • Librarians, archivists, and museum professionals’ role perceptions and cross sectoral collaboration – Signs of convergence? 

      Toth, Mate; Rasmussen, Casper Hvenegaard; Vårheim, Andreas; Johnston, Jamie; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-20)
      Public libraries, archives, and museums have identifiable differences related to their founding missions and play many roles in today’s cultural sector and broader society, yet LAM institutions’ professional activities appear very similar. Moreover, increased digitization of LAM collections allows for increased collaboration and convergence across the institutions, and the merging of L, A, and M ...
    • Salvatore Attardo & Lucy Pickering. Eye-tracking in linguistics London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. ISBN 978-1-3501-1751-8. 304 pp. 

      Vulchanova, Mila Dimitrova; Kosutar, Sara (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-10)
      <i>Eye-tracking in linguistics</i> by Salvatore Attardo and Lucy Pickering provides a comprehensive introduction to this methodology based on capturing eye movements for the purposes of studying human behaviour. Eye-tracking has gained increasing popularity over the past 20-30 years, as a result of fast advances in the technology supporting this method, with increasing accuracy and precision and an ...
    • War Memories, Monumental Activism, and Regional Identity in the Arctic Borderland: Monumental Memory Politics of the Great Patriotic War and Mnemonic Actors in the Post-Soviet Murmansk Region 

      Spirin, Artem (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-07)
      Given the recent trend toward the instrumentalization of memory of the Great Patriotic War (GPW) in Russian federal memory politics, this article examines regional features of this trend by assessing the transformations that occurred in the monumental GPW commemoration in the post-Soviet Murmansk region. The case study analyzes the process of creating war memorials dedicated to the Battle for ...
    • Shortening mechanisms in construction morphology: the Russian spec-N construction 

      Nesset, Tore; Sokolova, Svetlana; Björklund, Martina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-02)
      This study presents an in-depth analysis of Russian stub compounds in spec ‘special’ and their competition with the corresponding full adjective special’nyj ‘special’ fol- lowed by a noun. Couched in Construction Morphology the corpus-based analysis addresses four understudied areas in theoretical and Russian morphology: shortening mechanisms, competition between morphological words and multiword ...
    • Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland 

      Johnston, Jamie; Mierzecka, Anna; Tóth, Máté; Paul, Magdalena; Kisilowska-Szurmińska, Małgorzata; Khosrowjerdi, Mahmood; Vårheim, Andreas; Rydbeck, Kerstin; Jochumsen, Henrik; Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Casper; Pálsdóttir, Ágústa; Olson, Anna; Skare, Roswitha; Mathiasson, Mia (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-07)
      The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 led to Europe’s largest displacement of people since World War II, with significant substantial numbers of Ukrainian refugees seeking shelter in neighbouring countries. International research attests to the crucial roles public libraries can play in the reception and integration of refugees. However, diverse professional and geographical contexts ...
    • Bidialectal language representation and processing: Evidence from Norwegian ERPs 

      Sandstedt, Jade Jørgen Michael; Kubota, Maki; Anderssen, Merete Brendeford; Darby, Jeannique; Helset, Stig Jarle; Tavakoli, Elaheh; Vangsnes, Øystein Alexander; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-09-12)
      This study investigates bilectal grammatical representation and processing using three ERP reading experiments in two Norwegian dialect regions. Northern Norwegian bilectals were tested in two separate sessions in two written varieties: the local written standard (Bokmål, n = 83) and Northern Norwegian dialect writing (n = 68). The study included both non-contrastive gender (control) and dialect-specific ...
    • Myten om den åpne Nordlendingen - star den i veien for god rekruttering? 

      Aure, Marit Anne (Chronicle; Kronikk, 2024-09-04)
      Konkurransen om arbeidskraft og innbyggere er stor. Mange er opptatt av rekruttering, men oppmerksomheten om å få folk til å trives og bli værende er liten. Står myten om gjestfrihet i «verdens beste land» i veien for systematisk velkomstarbeid og fokus på at alle skal trives?
    • How ready is the health care system in Northeast India for surgical delivery? A mixed-methods study on surgical capacity and need 

      Virk, Amrit; King, Rebecca; Heneise, Michael Timothy; Aier, Lanuakum; Child, Catriona; Brown, Julia; Ensor, Tim (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-26)
      Background Surgical services are scarce with persisting inequalities in access across populations and regions globally. As the world’s most populous county, India’s surgical need is high and delivery rates estimated to be sub-par to meet need. There is a dearth of evidence, particularly sub-regional data, on surgical provisioning which is needed to aid planning.<p> <p>Aim and method This ...
    • Hunter-Gatherer Children at School: A View From the Global South 

      Ninkova, Velina; Hays, Jennifer Lynn; Lavi, Noa; Ali, Aishah; Lopes da Silva Macedo, Silvia; Davis, Helen Elizabeth; Lew-Levy, Sheina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-14)
      Universal formal education is a major global development goal. Yet hunter-gatherer communities have extremely low participation rates in formal schooling, even in comparison with other marginalized groups. Here, we review the existing literature to identify common challenges faced by hunter-gatherer children in formal education systems in the Global South. We find that hunter-gatherer children are ...
    • Young refugees’ feelings of belonging? Encounters with rural Denmark and northern Norway 

      Herslund, Lise; Paulgaard, Gry (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-07)
      This paper investigates how young refugees settled in rural Norway and Denmark experience their new places of residence. We find inspiration in the idea of ‘contradictions of space’ (Kinkaid [2020]. “Re-encountering Lefebvre: Toward a Critical Phenomenology of Social Space.” Society and Space 38 (1): 167–186.) in exploring how young refugees navigate issues in rural life from housing, ...
    • Language change in Japanese–English bilingual returnee children over the course of five years: Evidence from accent-rating 

      Laméris, Tim Joris; Kubota, Maki; Kupisch, Tanja; Cabrelli, Jennifer; Snape, Neal; Rothman, Jason (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-14)
      Few studies have examined global foreign accent (GFA) in bilingual children, and little is known about how GFA changes over time and what factors determine change. Here, we examine GFA trajectories in Japanese–English bilingual returnees (Japanese children who returned to Japan after having lived in a majority English environment for several years). In two accent-rating tasks, first language ...
    • The Contemporary Norwegian Municipal CEO 

      Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Torsteinsen, Harald Henning; Saxi, Hans Petter; Kiland, Charlotte; Karlsen, Tor-Ivar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-07-12)
      This chapter describes the evolution of the Norwegian municipal chief executive officer (MCEO) from 1980 to 1992 and 2018, when the position was weakened politically but strengthened administratively. Today, the Norwegian MCEO corresponds to Mouritzen and Svara’s council–manager model, making it one of the most powerful in the Nordic region, second only to the Finish MCEO. Despite multiple significant ...
    • Exploiting the “white coal” of the Pasvik River. Negotiating corporate and national interests in the border region during the German occupation of Norway 

      Myklebost, Kari Aga; Lähteenmäki, Maria (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-30)
      The history of the Pasvik River, demarcating Norway’s border with Russia in the north is inextricably linked with issues of security and national interests on the one side, and exploitation of natural resources and business interests on the other. This applies not least to the war years, as German warfare in Europe increased the value of the hydropower and the strategic metals of the border region. ...
    • “That-which-must-not-be-named”: hunting, secrecy, and the ontology of meat in northeast China 

      Fraser, Richard Alan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-22)
      In this paper, I describe the practice of sharing and eating wild meat amongst the Orochen in northeast China, a community of hunters who are no longer allowed to hunt due to state conservation policies. I show how for Orochen meat is the material intermediary between the human and nonhuman worlds, offered to the fire before meals and to animal spirit-masters during hunting. I suggest this demands ...
    • Science Textbooks: Aids or Obstacles to Inquiry Teaching? Science Teachers’ Experiences in Norwegian Secondary Schools 

      Isaksen, Marianne; Ødegaard, Marianne; Utsi, Tove Hilde Ågnes (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-16)
      Textbooks have several important functions in science education. By interviewing six teachers, this study shows how secondary school science teachers perceive and use textbooks as resources, especially in inquiry teaching. The results show that textbooks aid inquiry teaching by offering teachers easily accessible suggestions for practical and inquiry activities in accordance with the curriculum ...