Viser treff 161-180 av 721

    • Training and influence of maximal strength in football players - With specific emphasis on females 

      Pedersen, Sigurd (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-11-26)
      Participation and interest in female football is rising. Football is considered a complex sport, where technical, tactical, and physiological traits are suggested to impact the players´ ability to perform. However, most research on physical testing and training prescription derives from males. Although research is emerging on the match demands of female football, how underlying physiological or ...
    • Rehabilitation pathways, satisfaction with functioning and wellbeing, and experienced rehabilitation needs after stroke 

      Heiberg, Guri Anita (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-11-25)
      This international cohort study included 451 Norwegian and 348 Danish patients with first-ever stroke admitted to stroke units from one country region in north Norway and one in Denmark with different organization of rehabilitation services. Data were collected from national stroke registries and questionnaires with 3- and 12-months follow-up. The Quality of Life after Brain Injury-Overall Scale ...
    • Temporal trends in intracerebral hemorrhage in a general population. Incidence, risk factors, case fatality and long-term mortality. The Tromsø Study 

      Carlsson, Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-11-12)
      Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the second most common subtype of stroke. The prognosis is poor. However, it is to a large degree a preventable disease. The aim of our study was to analyse the association between cardiovascular risk factors and risk of ICH, and to assess the impact of changes in risk factor levels over time on incidence rates of ICH. In addition, we aimed to analyse short- and ...
    • The Role of Plasma Extracellular Vesicles and Procoagulant Phospholipid Activity in Venous Thromboembolism 

      Ramberg, Cathrine (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-11-05)
      Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the formation of a blood clot in, most commonly, the deep veins of the lower extremities and the pulmonary circulation. VTE is a prevalent disease associated with severe short- and long-term complications. Negatively charged procoagulant phospholipids (PPL), and phosphatidylserine (PS) in particular, are vital to efficient coagulation activation, and found expressed ...
    • Wuthering heights: Outcomes from pancreatic surgery and trends in treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in Norway in a post-centralization era 

      Nymo, Linn Såve (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-22)
      <p><i>Aim:</i> The main aim of this thesis was to explore the contemporary outcomes of pancreatic surgery and treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in Norway seen in light of the centralization process and the volume-outcome relationship. <p><i>Methods:</i> We analysed three complete national patient cohorts using prospectively gathered data from national medical quality registries. The ...
    • Why is it safe – enough? Decision-making in avalanche terrain 

      Landrø, Markus (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-25)
      The snowy mountains of the world attract an increasing number of backcountry recreationalists, but nice skiing comes with a risk. Every year about 140 people in Europe and North America lose their life in avalanche accidents. 9 out of 10 accidents are triggered by the victim or someone in their party. Therefore, improving decision-making is important. Avalanche terrain decision-making is complex ...
    • When is remission remission? Elucidating the remission state in Ulcerative Colitis: a multimodal exploration 

      Arkteg, Christian Børde (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-22)
      Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the colon that has a relapsing-remitting characteristic. The disease management consists of prolonging periods of remission and reducing relapse frequency. There is currently no universally accepted definition of remission in UC. There are different methods of establishing if a patient is in remission, but the lack of definition and ...
    • Advanced methods in reproductive medicine: Application of optical nanoscopy, artificial intelligence-assisted quantitative phase microscopy and mitochondrial DNA copy numbers to assess human sperm cells 

      Popova, Daria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-22)
      Declined fertility rate and population is a matter of serious concern, especially in the developed nations. Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), including in vitro fertilization (IVF), have provided great hope for infertility treatment and maintaining population growth and social structure. With the help of ART, more than 8 million babies have already been born so far. Despite the worldwide ...
    • Metabolic syndrome, obesity and ethnicity—The SAMINOR Study 

      Michalsen, Vilde Lehne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-13)
      Clustering of certain cardiometabolic risk factors is known as metabolic syndrome (MetS). MetS is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and the prevalence is increasing alongside the obesity epidemic, making it an important public health issue. Both MetS and obesity are common in the adult population in rural Northern Norway, which comprises an ethnically mixed population. MetS is defined using ...
    • Dental anxiety in adolescents and adults. Epidemiological studies based on the Tromsø Study 7 and Fit Futures 1 & 2 

      Nermo, Hege (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-10-01)
      <p><i>Background:</i> High dental anxiety can hinder individuals from seeking necessary dental treatment and thereby an obstacle in ensuring equal access to health care in the population. The overall aim of this thesis was to advance the understanding of dental anxiety in adolescents and adults, with a focus on the relevance of mental health symptoms, oral health and potentially traumatic events. ...
    • Surface modification of liposomes increases drug efficacy in local vaginal therapy 

      Jøraholmen, May Wenche (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2016-02-19)
      <p>The vaginal inflammation and infection are one of the major female health issues, and unfortunately rather neglected. The anatomical structure and physiological conditions make vagina vulnerable to inflammation and infection, which if not successfully treated, can lead to deteriorating female health conditions. In pregnant patients, the pregnancy outcome can be severely affected. Although a ...
    • Modulation of Cardiometabolic Health by Dietary Supplementation with Calanus oil 

      Jansen, Kirsten Maria (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-09-17)
      Obesity leads to alterations in myocardial metabolism, expressed as an increased utilization of fat for energy purposes at the expense of carbohydrate. This shift in energy metabolism is associated with impairment of ventricular function which can lead to heart failure. This thesis raises the question of whether dietary supplementation with Calanus oil, a novel marine oil derived from the marine ...
    • Organization and orchestration of male rat sexual behavior 

      Huijgens, Patty Thalia (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-09-07)
      Sexual behavior is innately motivated and rewarding. The underlying neurobiological mechanisms of sexual motivation, copulation, and sexual reward have not been completely unraveled. This thesis gives insight in the structure, organization, and neurobiological orchestration of male rat sexual behavior. The research presented in this thesis demonstrates that a more extensive behavioral annotation ...
    • Peripheral nerve blocks for shoulder surgery - Periclavicular approaches in the pursuit of a diaphragm-sparing technique 

      Musso, Dario Davide (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-09-03)
      <p>Background: Interscalene block is the gold standard for analgesia after shoulder surgery. However, it is associated with some block-related complications, especially the risk of hemidiaphragmatic paresis. In study I, we hypothesized that a more distal combination of nerve blocks would provide a feasible alternative to the gold standard. Study II was designed to optimize one of the components of ...
    • Student evaluation practice: A qualitative study on how student evaluation of teaching, courses and programmes are carried out and used 

      Borch, Iris Helene (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-08-27)
      This study explores how internal student evaluation of teaching, courses and programmes at eight health profession education programmes are carried out and used. Student evaluation is a mandatory part of quality assurance systems in Norway and is meant to be used in educational quality assurance and enhancement. At the university of this study, these evaluations are also considered part of students’ ...
    • Molecular profiling of the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell – a multi-omics approach 

      Bhandari, Sabin (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-08-20)
      The endothelium is the innermost cell layer of blood vessels and has a key role in maintaining vascular homeostasis. Beside the general role to prevent blood coagulation and regulate blood flow, endothelial cells of different vascular beds show tissue specific specializations. This thesis focuses on a unique endothelial cell with immune-like properties, namely the liver sinusoidal endothelial cell ...
    • Renal sympathetic denervation, potential effects on blood pressure and glucose metabolism in patients with severe treatment resistant hypertension. The Re-shape CV-risk study 

      Miroslawska, Atena (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-23)
      <p>Background: Denervation of renal sympathetic nerves (RDN) is a mini-invasive endovascular procedure introduced as an antihypertensive treatment with a potentially beneficial effect on insulin resistance. In this open-label non-randomized study we investigated non-diabetic patients with true treatment-resistant hypertension defined as office systolic blood pressure (BP)>140 mmHg and (mean) daytime ...
    • Hippocampal plasticity: Development of connectivity and growth hormone modulation of place cells and behavior 

      Haugland, Kamilla Gjerland (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-17)
      The hippocampus is remarkably plastic and has the ability to modify its processes throughput the lifetime. During development, the hippocampus is exceedingly plastic as new neurons and connections are taking form. Nevertheless, the neural circuits of the hippocampus keep modifying in the adult. The factors contributing to hippocampal plasticity are still elusive. In this thesis, I present three ...
    • Combined effects of cancer and prothrombotic genotypes on the risk of venous thromboembolism 

      Skille, Hanne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-18)
      Venous thromboembolism (VTE), a collective term for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, is a severe and multifactorial disease. Heritability has been found to explain up to 60% of VTE events, however, the role of genetics on VTE in cancer is scarcely studied. VTE occurs frequently in cancer patients and is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in this patient group. The aim of the present ...
    • Immunological biomarkers in prostate cancer - A retrospective cohort study utilizing immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays for evaluation of immune biomarker expression and experimental in vitro assays 

      Ness, Nora (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2021-06-11)
      <p><i>Background:</i> Prostate cancer is a very common, but particularly heterogenic cancer form. Whilst some patients have a very aggressive course with a fatal outcome, the majority of patients have slow-growing disease with low risk of death or significant symptoms. Unfortunately, doctors do not possess sufficient prognostic tools, and there is a high risk of overtreatment with unnecessary ...