Now showing items 1-20 of 615

    • The Ethical Food Tourist 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Santini, Cristina; Cavicchi, Alessio (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-03-03)
      The exploration of food tourism as a phenomenon and food tourists as consumers raises numerous ethical considerations. This chapter is about food tourism and ethics and focuses on the concepts of sustainability and slowness. It discusses the complexity of such topics using two case studies from Italy: one a plant-based café and the other the owner and manager of an agritourism business. These cases ...
    • Weaving knowledge: writing letters with wool 

      Kummeneje-Mellem, Åsne; Salmela, Tarja; Øyen, Gyrid (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025)
      We are a group of three women: an artist, a researcher, and a museum professional, who at the same time struggle to be defined as “something”. Each of us has a different relationship to wool, yet, as we have come to see, wool dissolves the type of difference that would prevent us from finding our connection. For some of us, wool is a material to work with and create with— and more. For others of us, ...
    • Investigating the quantile-varying impact of energy policy uncertainty on mineral-driven renewable energy production: Evidence from Germany 

      Erdogan, Sinan; Leirvik, Thomas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-10)
      The recent climate crisis has solemnized renewable energy for emission reduction and halting an environmental disaster globally. However, renewable energy technologies are severely dependent on the import of critical minerals and elements that can be severely impacted by energy policy uncertainties (ERPU). Germany highly relies on renewables for powering economic activities and is the largest ...
    • A virtual dive into ocean conservation and protection 

      Bertella, Giovanna; Lovecky, Michal; Hamran, Ellyne; Vester, Heike Iris (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-17)
      Whale watching provides an opportunity to educate the public about marine conservation and protection, yet it often falls short of this potential and poses an ongoing dilemma as it inherently disturbs the animals. This note discusses Us: The Sea of Sounds, a project that we designed to address challenges by raising awareness about underwater noise pollution and its harmful effects on marine life, ...
    • Empathy and sustainability education beyond business as usual 

      Bertella, Giovanna (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-02-24)
      Although empathy is a crucial component of sustainability, the literature on relevant teaching practices within business education remains limited. Aiming to encourage critical thinking regarding stakeholders, we introduced a teaching practice structured around three activities—an innovation camp, a seminar, and a game-based workshop—in an introductory course about innovation. Data collection ...
    • Beyond Punishment: Unraveling the Integrative Empowerment Model for Youth Violence Prevention 

      Agyrae, Patrick (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-15)
      This paper methodically analyses the Integrative Empowerment Model for Youth Violence Prevention (IEMYVP), a model developed by the author. The primary objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the IEMYVP in reducing instances of bullying within educational settings. Employing a hypothetical dataset that reflects the demographic and behavioral dynamics of a primary and secondary ...
    • Black is the new green : Sustainable diffusion of innovation 

      Agwu, Ukeje; Jaber, Tahrir; Oftedal, Elin Merethe (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-06-03)
      The Finnfjord algae project has been labelled a carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) project as it holds significant promise in converting CO2 into biomass. Distinct from carbon capture and storage (CCS), which focuses solely on trapping and storing CO2 in underground geological formations, CCU goes a step further, presenting an economic incentive through the potential monetisation of products, ...
    • Turens start: Frihet, frisk luft, helse og forvaltning 

      Viken, Arvid Ingmar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-01-08)
      Ei bok om friluftslivets historie, samfunnsmessige betydning, verdigrunnlag og forvaltningskontekster
    • Tilrettelegging for friluftsliv 

      Viken, Arvid Ingmar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-01-02)
      Den rette linja mellom to punkter i landskapet er ikke alltid den raskeste. Det lønner seg ofte å gå i buer, for å unngå bratte skrenter, komme rundt et stup, eller bare en oppgått sti. Stier slynger seg mellom fjell og gjennom søkk og daler der det er lettest å ta seg frem. Enkelte steder er stiene bearbeidet, eller tilrettelagt som man gjerne kaller det; klopper over myrer, bruer over elver, trapper ...
    • The Automated Tourism and Hospitality Company of the Future 

      Ivanov, Stanislav; Vespestad, May Kristin (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024-10-15)
      In the robonomic economic system many tourism and hospitality companies will be completely automated, and some of them may not even have any human employees. It means that we must rethink the way tourism attractions are created, the way tourism experiences are designed, and the practices of tourism and hospitality companies. We need to consider how to cater for tourists in ways that prove viable ...
    • Ut på tur: Refleksjoner rundt turlivet 

      Viken, Arvid Ingmar (Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2025-01-08)
      Dette kapittelet handler om å gå på tur. Det er noe de fleste av oss gjør hele tida, vi går skogsturer, fjellturer, skiturer, toppturer og mye mer. Men vi har også andre ord for dette; vi vandrer og lager vandreruter i fjellet, vi bruker terrenget, vi rusler og jogger – vi beveger oss. Bevegelser er helt sentralt for mennesket, å gå er nesten som hjerteslag og pust, helt fundamentalt for livet – ...
    • Forvaltning og ikke-forvaltning av elv og skog i Nord-Troms 

      Viken, Arvid Ingmar (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Artikkelen sammenlikner forvaltninga av to områder i Nordreisa og friluftsaktiviteter som foregår der. Det ene er Reisaelva med laksefiske, mens det andre er Kjellerskogen hvor det inntil nylig foregikk hundespanntrening samtidig som skogen i lang tid har blitt benyttet til sauebeite. Det har tidvis vært konflikter knyttet til begge områdene. For elva ble det opprettet et regime som styrer aktivitetene. ...
    • Digital Maturity in Education The Implementation of Digital Tablets 

      Nielsen, Bettina; Egeberg, Gunstein Christoffer; Svihus, Cathrine (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-13)
      As educational institutions navigate the complexities of digital transformation, understanding the factors that drive successful technology integration is essential. The implementation of digital tablets in schools is becoming increasingly common. Through the application of the digital maturity framework, a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted to construct a digital maturity ...
    • Using visual management to improve logistics operations 

      Sadowski, Adam; Jędrzejczak, Ryszard; Starzynska, Dorota; Engelseth, Per (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-13)
      Purpose - This paper aims to show the impact of applied visual management (VM) on performance in logistics operations in the construction industry.<p> <p>Design/methodology/approach - A case study was conducted at a branch of an international company located in Poland on VM implementation in the transport and storage of this firm. Active research was used to include the outlook of top management ...
    • The Organizational challenges of municipal call centers as a health service in Norway- A multiple case study 

      Grøndal-Eeles, Linda Cecilie; Dugstad, Janne H; Eide, Hilde; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-20)
      Background - To maintain sustainability in the health care system, technology such as social alarms and sensors has been implemented in people’s homes with the goal of increasing independent living for elderly and multimorbid health care recipients. When implementing technology, someone needs to monitor and answer the alarms and calls, which is often coined ‘telecare’. Many countries have organized ...
    • How Situated Attentions Affect the Choices of Professional Service Managers in the Transition to Hybrid Work Arrangements 

      Reimers, Christian Schlaikjær (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-13)
      This article explores how top and middle managers in geographically fragmented professional service organizations made decisions about hybrid work arrangements, following COVID-19 (and the end of mandatory working from home). The article reports a single case study of a regional banking corporation in a period when leaders across the organization had to choose between consolidating change or ...
    • The tacit dimension and behavioural public policy: Insights from Hayek and Polanyi 

      Festre, Agnes Monique Marie; Østbye, Stein Eirik (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-02)
      In this paper, we revisit the Knowledge Problem addressed by Hayek eight decades ago and emphasised more recently by Rizzo and Whitman in their critique of the new paternalist approach of mainstream behavioural economics promoted by Sunstein and Thaler. We do this in light of the work of Michael Polanyi. Polanyi developed a theory of knowledge which has some commonalities with Hayek’s but also ...
    • Eksamen og vurdering 24 - Sluttrapport fra arbeidsgruppe ved NTNU 

      Torvatn, Tim Kristian Andreas; Dahl, Martha Torgeirdatter; Stock, Ingrid; Hjelle, Arild Sørum; Kjærland, Frode; Langbakk, Erik Ingve; Rønning, Vegard; Sindre, Guttorm; Solbjørg, Ole Kristen (Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024-12-03)
    • Price transmission and asymmetry in a changing seafood supply chain 

      Kidane, Dejene Gizaw (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2025-01-08)
      This study investigates price transmission and asymmetry in the cod value chain between the export market of Norway and the retail market of Portugal. Using monthly data from January 2011 to December 2022, it analyzes the value chains of salted dried cod, salted wet cod, and the relationship between the export price of salted wet cod and the retail price of salted dried cod using a non-linear ARDL ...
    • Public entrepreneurial opportunities: How institutional logics shape public servants' opportunity evaluation 

      Gullmark, Petter; Clausen, Tommy Høyvarde; Gümüsay, Ali Aslan; Alsos, Gry Agnete (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-26)
      Which entrepreneurial opportunities do public servants find appealing, and what influences their evaluation? Our investigation of 14 Norwegian municipal entrepreneurial projects indicates that public servants positively assess the attractiveness of welfare, economic, and participatory opportunities. Their evaluations are shaped by public sector logics. Our contribution is twofold: first, we connect ...