Viser treff 461-480 av 723

    • Comparisons of sickness absence patterns, trends and attitudes in the health and care sectors in two municipalities in Norway and Denmark. 

      Krane, Line (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2016-02-11)
      Sickness absence is of great concern in most Western societies and has huge economic and social consequences. The Scandinavian countries, especially Norway, have high sickness absence rates. In both Norway and Denmark, the highest sickness absence rates are found in the health and care sector. The aims of this doctoral thesis are to compare the sickness absence patterns of municipal employees in the ...
    • Adolescents´ lifestyle and bone health. The Tromsø Study, Fit Futures 

      Winther, Anne (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-12-16)
      Med data fra folkehelseundersøkelsen Fit Futures har vi sammenlignet norske ungdommers beintetthet med internasjonale referanseverdier og undersøkt sammenhengen mellom livsstilsfaktorer og beintetthet. Til tross for at Norges eldre er på verdenstoppen når det gjelder beinskjørhet (osteoporose) og beinbrudd, har dagens ungdommer like høy eller høyere beintetthet som jevngamle ungdommer i Europa ...
    • Anti-human platelet antigen (HPA)-1a antibodies: For better or for worse 

      Eksteen, Mariana (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-12-11)
      Albeit a rare pregnancy complication, fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) due to anti-human platelet antigen (HPA)-1a antibodies carries a significant risk of intracranial bleeding in the fetus and newborn. Reduced birth weight is another possible complication of FNAIT. Currently, there is no specific treatment to prevent or treat FNAIT, neither exist screening programs identifying ...
    • Tuberculosis in HIV positive individuals - risk factors, diagnostic methods and follow-up in a low-endemic country 

      Pullar, Nadine Durema (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-12-09)
      Tuberculosis (TB) is a diagnostic challenge in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Furthermore, HIV positive individuals with latent TB infection (LTBI) have the highest risk of progression to active TB. WHO initiatives to reduce the global burden of HIV/TB co-infections include better surveillance, improved diagnosis of TB in HIV patients and implementation of TB preventive ...
    • Lumbosacral radiculopathy managed in multidisciplinary back clinics. Diagnostic accuracy, prognostic factors and efficacy of epidural injection therapy. 

      Iversen, Trond (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-27)
      The accuracy of individual clinical index tests used to predict imaging findings of nerve root impingement in patients with chronic lumbar radiculopathy is low when applied in specialized care, but clinicians’ overall evaluation improves diagnostic accuracy slightly. The diagnostic accuracy of individual index tests was low with no tests reaching positive LR >4.0 or negative LR <0.4. The overall ...
    • The Epidemiology of Valvular Aortic Stenosis. Prevalence, incidence, mortality, risk factors and progression of aortic stenosis in a general population. The Tromsø Study. 

      Eveborn, Gry Debora Wisthus (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-11-19)
      With datasets from 3 repeated echocardiographic examinations (1994, 2001 and 2008) of a random sample of initially 3,273 participants in the Tromsø Study, we were able to give descriptive and analytical epidemiologic data on degenerative aortic valve disease. Aortic valve stenosis (AS) was defined as a mean aortic valve gradient ≥15 mmHg. There were 164 subjects with AS. We found that prevalence ...
    • Appropriate antibiotic prescribing in Community-Acquired Pneumonia in a Norwegian hospital setting 

      Høgli, June (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-01)
      Appropriate antibiotic prescribing is associated with favourable levels of antimicrobial resistance and clinical outcomes. Literature has indicated that antibiotic treatment of hospitalised patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), the leading cause of death due to infection in adults worldwide, have potential for improvement. The overall aim of this PhD-work has been to promote appropriate ...
    • Identification of novel roles and new modes of regulation for the atypical MAP kinases ERK3 and ERK4 

      Al-Mahdi, Rania (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-11-13)
      The atypical MAP kinases ERK3 and ERK4 are the main characters in this study. ERK3 and ERK4 were for long considered as orphan proteins without known upstream activators. However, in 2011 two studies had detected that group I p-21 protein activated kinase (PAKs) can constitutively phosphorylate ERK3 and ERK4 in their activation loop. The only well-characterized substrate for ERK3 and ERK4 at that ...
    • Sámi ethnicity as a variable. Premises and implications for population-based studies on health and living conditions in Norway 

      Pettersen, Torunn (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-11-04)
      Summary: The use of Sámi ethnicity as a variable in studies aiming at quantitative knowledge on health and living conditions at the population level in contemporary Norway is challenged by in-sufficient Sámi-demographic data and blurred Sámi-ethnic boundaries. Based on the premise that the Sámi can be conceptualized as an ethnic group which is also an indigenous people, this thesis explores aspects ...
    • The "deep caries" challenge. Prevalence and management of deep carious lesions in Northern Norway. 

      Stangvaltaite, Lina (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-22)
      The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was to increase the understanding and knowledge of the prevalence and management of deep carious lesions. The prevalence of dental caries in Norway was among the highest in the world in the middle of 20th century. Though it has significantly declined, there are indications that the prevalence of caries in Northern Norway is higher than in the rest of the ...
    • Claims for compensation after alleged birth injury in Norway. A study of obstetric claims to the Norwegian System of Compensation to Patients from 1994-2008 

      Andreasen, Stine (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-16)
      Birth injuries to mother or child are infrequent in Norway, but very serious to all patients and their families. The consequences of an asphyxiated child might be severe, and the payouts from the Norwegian System of Compensation to Patients (NPE) are huge. These payouts may compensate some of the economical expenses, but neither the physical sequela nor the social consequences. Despite this fact, ...
    • Remuneration and organization in general practice: Three essays on doctors' preferences 

      Holte, Jon Helgheim (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-16)
      The need for recruiting and retaining general practitioners (GPs) is expected to increase substantially in the next years, both because of an ageing population and a reform suggesting to shift more resources to primary care. This will not only reinforce the current challenge of recruitment and retention in rural areas, but it may also make it more difficult to recruit and retain GPs in urban areas. ...
    • Understanding temporality in human concentrations of organic contaminants -Considering human concentrations over time and through life in perspective of historic production and use 

      Nøst, Therese Haugdahl (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2014-06-25)
      Modern human lifestyle depends on a great number of synthetic chemicals and many designated as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). There are concerns for harmful health effects of POPs even for the background exposure experienced by the general population and especially for foetuses and children. The overarching aim of this thesis was to enhance our understanding of how human concentrations of ...
    • Immune properties of cry1Ab transgenic maize studied in mouse models of airway and food allergy 

      Andreassen, Monica (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-03-19)
      The genetically modified maize event MON810 has been inserted with a processed version of the transgene, cry1ab, derived from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to express proteins with insecticidal properties. The introduced toxin may confer risks of immunogenicity, allergenicity and/or adjuvanticity to humans as well as domestic and wild animals, via inhalation of pollen and plant ...
    • Persistent post-surgical pain: Prevalence, risk factors and pain mechanisms 

      Johansen, Aslak (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-09-18)
      Persistent pain is reported to be a frequent complication from surgery. Among the proposed risk factors are perioperative nerve injury and individual differences in pain sensitivity. The 6th Tromsø Study, a cross-sectional survey and medical examination, provided questionnaire data on persistent pain in general and persistent pain following surgery in particular. Participants performed tests of ...
    • Novel chitosan-containing liposomes as mucoadhesive delivery system for vaginal administration 

      Andersen, Toril (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-10-02)
      Treatment of vaginal infections remains unsuccessful due to recurrent infections and limited patient compliance. Current therapies are unable to penetrate bacterial and fungal biofilms, allowing the survival of microorganisms, which often leads to new infections. Local administration of drug is able to provide a higher drug concentration at the vaginal site; enabling the administration of lower drug ...
    • Dysfunctional eating behaviours and personality traits in severely obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery 

      Gade, Hege (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-05-21)
      The PSYMO study is a randomised controlled trial including 102 severely obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Firstly, we examined the relationships between dysfunctional eating behaviours (DE), personality, anxiety and depression. Secondly, we examined whether a pre-surgical cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) intervention exceeds usual care in the improvements of dysfunctional eating ...
    • Arm function and constraint-induced movement in early post-stroke rehabilitation 

      Thrane, Gyrd (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-09-10)
      Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is a treatment for mild-to-moderate upper extremity motor dysfunction in post-stroke patients. However, as the ideal time to initiate post-stroke treatment remains uncertain, more information is needed regarding the effects of CIMT and arm use in the early stages of stroke recovery. This thesis aimed to: 1) examine the correlations between arm motor ...
    • Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy: A novel approach to treating depression in primary care patients 

      Høifødt, Ragnhild Sørensen (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-09-15)
      The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the effectiveness and acceptability of a Web-based self-help program (MoodGYM) combined with brief face-to-face therapist support for adult primary care patients with mild to moderate depression. Depression is a highly prevalent disorder causing substantial suffering and impairment. Many depressed patients will receive all their treatment in primary ...
    • Cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients 

      Gussgard, Anne Margrete (Doctoral thesis; Doktorgradsavhandling, 2015-06-17)
      Background: Radiotherapy causes oral mucositis (OM) that is painful and disrupts eating, talking, social activities and general health. OM may even interrupt cancer therapy. Any intervention that can reduce OM will lead to improvement in treatment and quality of life for patients. It is essential to have a suitable tool to measure potentially effective and new treatments against OM. Objective: To ...