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Aktuelle disputaser
Aktuelle disputaser der avhandlingen er tilgjengelig i Munin:
18 feb 2025: Yufei Wang
Local-Scale Advanced Ship Predictor towards Enhanced Maritime Situation Awareness
20 feb 2025: Marit Katinka Busund
Female sex hormones and subtypes of breast cancer
21 feb 2025: Ingvild Hansten Blomstervik
21 feb 2025: Dorota Sofia Jozwicki
Investigation of Multilayers in Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes
28 feb 2025: Solveig Flatebø
04 mar 2025: Åse Mari Moe
Associations between dietary patterns and risk factors for cardiovascular disease
07 mar 2025: Beate Brinchmann
07 mar 2025: Bjørn Aslak Juliussen
14 mar 2025: Artem Spirin
Fortifying Border Memories: Memory Politics in the Post-Soviet Russian North
Nye registreringer
Reply: How do we avoid polarization of interdisciplinary research on cancer diagnosis?
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-30)First, we would like to take the opportunity to thank Andersen and colleagues for their thorough reading of our paper. We appreciate and welcome a critical dialogue that helps furthering an understanding of early cancer diagnostics. <p> <p>However, our paper is a critical comment on the epidemiological reasoning that early diagnosis equals better outcomes, using anthropological and social science ... -
Healthcare seeking for people diagnosed with severe mental illness: Sensations, symptoms and diagnostic work
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-27)For people with mental and somatic illnesses, the interpretive process of attending to a multitude of bodily sensations and recognising them as potential symptoms represents daily and ‘chronic homework’. Based on 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork in Denmark, this study explores diagnostic work and healthcare seeking among people with severe mental and somatic illnesses. As multiple studies have ... -
Under the cover of ice: Trematode infections affect survival and growth of wintering mussels
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-07-25)Parasites play many regulating roles that are increasingly recognized in different ecosystems. In coastal ecosystems, the trematode Himasthla elongata infects blue mussel Mytilus edulis, a foundation species that shapes the functioning of intertidal communities. Although the largest impacts of infections occur during the summer months, the parasites form long-lived cysts that can be harmful to their ... -
Rethinking the logic of early diagnosis in cancer
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-26)To reduce morbidity and mortality of cancer, more countries have implemented strategies to detect cancer, based on the logic of ‘the sooner the better’. Time is thereby an essential component in how cancer research, policies, and prevention are practiced today. Where the logic of early diagnosis benefits some, the logic also produces harms. In this article, we use a cross-disciplinary case-study ... -
Influence of Menstrual-Cycle Phase on Sleep and Recovery Following High- and Low-Intensity Training in Eumenorrheic Endurance-Trained Women: The Female Endurance Athlete Project
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-10-23)Purpose: To investigate the influence of menstrual-cycle (MC) phase on objective sleep and perceived recovery following high- (HIT) and low-intensity training (LIT) in endurance-trained women. Methods: Fifteen naturally menstruating, endurance-trained women completed standardized HIT and LIT sessions during the early follicular phase (EFP), ovulatory phase (OP), and midluteal phase (MLP) of 2 MCs. ...