• Destruktivt lederskap i luftfarten. En studie om sammenhengen mellom lederatferd og utbrenthet, jobbengasjement og organisasjonsforpliktelse i et flysikkerhetsperspektiv. 

    Steinsli, Stian (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-25)
    Destruktiv ledelse og teorien rundt dette fenomenet er forholdsvis lite utforsket, både generelt, men også i luftfartsbransjen. Det finnes likevel noe forskning som denne studien kan knyttes opp mot. Destruktivt lederskap er til en viss grad utbredt, og denne typen ledelse har vist seg skadelig både for organisasjon og de ansatte. Denne studien belyser mulige sammenhenger mellom destruktiv ledelse, ...
  • Authoritarianism vs. Autonomy in Dystopian Literature; A literary study of A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess and 1984 by George Orwell 

    Eide, Øyvind (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-23)
    This thesis conducts a comparative literary analysis of Anthony Burgess's A Clockwork Orange and George Orwell's 1984, examining the themes of authoritarianism and personal autonomy. Through a detailed examination of the narrative structures, character development, and thematic elements, this study explores how these dystopian novels depict totalitarian societies that use psychological and physical ...
  • Hvordan oversette burde til russisk 

    Linjord-Berg, Hans Andreas (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    I denne masteroppgaven har jeg sett på hvordan man oversetter det modale hjelpeverbet burde til russisk, og også litt om modalitet. For modalitet i norsk, har jeg brukt boka "Norsk Referansegrammatikk" (Faarlund et al, 1997). For å se hvordan man oversetter "burde" til russisk, så har jeg samla data fra RuN-Korpuset (UiO 2008-2010), som er et parallellkorpus hvor man kan sammenligne en tekst på to ...
  • The Hungry Tide and Heart of Darkness: A Jungian Exploration of the Universalist Dimension as a Supplement to Time-Specific Approaches 

    Islam, Rakibul (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    Common wisdom often prescribes locating the interpretation of literary works within the parameters of the time-specific phenomenon that characterizes the setting of the works including historical context and social setting. While this dictum has great utility, it simultaneously has the potential to draw attention away from the universal insights on offer that are applicable to all times and places, ...
  • Exploring child abuse in the Harry Potter Series through the characters Harry Potter and Severus Snape 

    Guldbrandsen, Sara Økland (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-15)
    This thesis explores how child abuse is represented in the Harry Potter saga through the characters Harry Potter and Severus Snape. A close reading analysis of scenes and the use of psychological studies that discuss the central elements of these characters’ experiences with abuse. This will help prove that they are representations of abused children. The two characters represent different aspects ...

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