Doctoral presentations of current interest, where the thesis is available in Munin:

14 Jun 2024: Katrine Prydz

From student to professional – mastering the necessary non-technical skills. Assessment tools and effects of multi-professional simulation training

14 Jun 2024: Srijana Bastakoti Belbase

Exploring Staphylococcus aureus Adaptation in In vitro Colonization and Infection Models: A Transcriptomics Approach

14 Jun 2024: Nina Planting Mølmann

Finnmark mellom frigjøring og fred. Livsvilkår blant overvintrere fra 25. oktober 1944 til 8. mai 1945

17 Jun 2024: Nils Bochow

Modelling the Earth System - From Tipping Elements to Reconstructions

18 Jun 2024: Liv-Hege Johnsen

Intracranial artery disease in the general population

18 Jun 2024: Tina Pettersen Engseth

The perception of the menstrual cycle, cycle-related symptoms, and hormonal contraception in female endurance athletes: The FENDURA project

19 Jun 2024: Fredrik Garnås Rylandsholm

Structural characterisation and drug-lipid interaction by NMR spectroscopy

20 Jun 2024: Kay-Martin Johnsen

Towards personalized medicine in ulcerative colitis. Long-term follow-up after biological treatment and prediction of clinical outcomes

21 Jun 2024: Tor Håvard Solhaug

Tone and internal word structure: The interface between morphosyntax and phonology in a variety of Northern Norwegian

26 Jun 2024: Alexandra Kondratieva

Exploring fluorination in MBL inhibitor design

27 Jun 2024: Andreas Kjæreng Winther

Activity Profiles and Training Loads of Highly Trained Female Football Players

27 Jun 2024: Nina Mjølsnes Salvo

Forensic DNA phenotyping - Towards reliable and accurate DNA tests for prediction of eye colour, hair colour and biogeographical ancestry

28 Jun 2024: Yasemin V. Bodur

Aspects of the biological carbon pump in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic: Aggregation, vertical flux and pelagic-benthic coupling

  • Annerledes og likeverdig: førstelektorstillingens skjebne under akademias konvensjoner 

    Eriksen, Stig; Hakel, Katja (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-07)
    I Norge finnes to karriereveier innen undervisning og forskning i høyere utdanning. Veien fra stipendiat via førsteamanuensis til professor er den mest brukte. Men en tredel av de tilsatte i høyere utdanning er tilsatt i en karrierestige som går fra universitets- eller høgskolelektor via førstelektor til dosent. De to karriereveiene kan sies å være knyttet til ulike kunnskapsregimer. I de siste 20 ...
  • Methanotroph activity and connectivity between two seep systems north off Svalbard 

    de Groot, Tim; Kalenitchenko, Dimitri Stanislas Desire; Moser, Manuel; Argentino, Claudio; Panieri, Giuliana; Dølven, Knut Ola; Ferré, Benedicte; Svenning, Mette Marianne; Niemann, Helge (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-14)
    Understanding methane flux dynamics in Arctic cold seep systems and the influence of oceanic currents on microbial methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) is crucial for assessing their impact on Arctic methane emissions. Here, we investigate methane dynamics and associated microbial communities at two cold seep areas, Norskebanken and Hinlopen Trough, North of Svalbard. Methane concentrations and methane ...
  • Critical realism as a fractal philosophy 

    Isaksen, Karl Robert (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-13)
    There are two overarching questions that guide this paper: What are some potential issues with the criterion for judgemental rationality as developed by Bhaskar? How can critical realism itself be justified without foundationalist assumptions or an infinite regress of justification? The paper considers how Bhaskar’s criterion for theory choice– developed in the natural sciencescan also be applied ...
  • Bike – Train Integration. The Role of Bicycle Parking in Promoting Sustainable Transportation along Norway’s Jæren Line 

    Beidenhauser, Christoph (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2024-05-31)
    Norway has set itself ambitious goals for the green transitioning of its transport. Intermodal mobility, meaning the integration of two or more green modes of transportation to use the advantages of each mode, has been put forward as a theoretical competitor to undesirable car transportation. The process of integration requires infrastructures to accommodate commuters’ needs and make sustainable ...
  • Den Tatoverte Kroppen 

    Saxegård, Christine Mathea (Mastergradsoppgave; Master thesis, 2024-05-14)
    En kvalitativ studie av menneskers persepsjon av tatoveringer i det moderne Norske samfunn.

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