Doctoral presentations of current interest, where the thesis is available in Munin:

10 Jan 2025: Wei Meng

Novel Molecular Characteristics of Ulcerative Colitis

  • The effect of oil shale ash and basalt-boron fiber on waste package gamma-radiation shielding properties 

    Tohver, Hando; Slavickas, Andrius; Holiuk, Maryna; Kranikovs, Andrejs; Mõtlep, Riho; Novakova, Iveta; Babilas, Egidijus; Gulik, Volodymyr (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-24)
    Oil shale ash is an abundant industrial residue that contains hydration products, which have been shown to immobilize heavy metals. The use of innovative additives such as oil shale ash (OSA) and basal-fiber materials containing boron (BBF) have not been thoroughly investigated. This study analyzes the potential of OSA-BBF concrete as an overpack material for low- and intermediate-level radioactive ...
  • "En brennende kniv: Selvmord, sublimering og slapstick i Arne Østrings 'Ut av stillheten'" 

    Auklend, Morten (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-12)
    Arne Østrings kortprosatekst «Ut av stillheten» kan saktens leses som en lettere komisk tekst om en japansk kamikaze-pilots – en selvmordsbombers – umulige tokt mot en militært overlegenfiende, men mer interessant er det at teksten balanserer en krigslogikk og en rasjonell psyko-logi, at den skriver frem kamikaze-krigens premisser og forhistorie, og ikke minst at den situe-rer selvmorderen som ...
  • Subcellular NAD+ pools are interconnected and buffered by mitochondrial NAD+ 

    Høyland, Lena Elise; Van Linden, Magali R; Niere, Marc; Strømland, Øyvind; Ziegler, Mathias; Ashrafi, Hanan; Haukanes, Kjellfrid Fosso; de Jesus Lucena Toro, Eva Maria; Bifulco, Ersilia; Mjøs, Svein Are; Sverkeli, Lars Jansen; Davidsen, Cedric; Tolås, Ingvill; van der Hoeven, Barbara; Dietze, Jörn Lukas Franz; Heiland, Ines; Cimadamore-Wer, Camila; Dölle, Christian; Pettersen Jevne, Ina; Tronstad, Karl Johan; Hayat, Faisal; Sharma, Suraj; Makarov, Mikhail V.; Migaud, Marie E. (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-12-13)
    The coenzyme NAD<sup>+</sup> is consumed by signalling enzymes, including poly-ADP-ribosyltransferases (PARPs) and sirtuins. Ageing is associated with a decrease in cellular NAD<sup>+</sup> levels, but how cells cope with persistently decreased NAD<sup>+</sup> concentrations is unclear. Here, we show that subcellular NAD<sup>+</sup> pools are interconnected, with mitochondria acting as a rheostat ...
  • Inhibition of Tooth Demineralization by CPP-ACP and NaF: An In Vitro study with MicroCT 

    Adekoya, Daniel O. (Master thesis; Mastergradsoppgave, 2023-12-25)
    <p>Aim: The study looked to determine whether casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) differed from toothpastes containing NaF in its ability to inhibit demineralization. <p>Materials: Extracted permanent molars were sectioned and allocated to 4 different groups. the pieces were treated 30 minutes daily for 7 days by the following agents: 1450 ppm NaF, 5000ppm NaF, CPP-ACP, ...
  • Research on wavelets and artificial intelligence algorithms for structural health monitoring of concrete bridges 

    Storni, Daniele; Singh, Harpal; Tangrand, Kristoffer Meyer; Grip, Niklas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-23)
    In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of wavelet theory with a focus on structural damage detection. A new example of the application of operational modal analysis (OMA) techniques to a concrete railway arch bridge located over the Kalix river in L{\aa}ngforsen, Sweden is presented. Results from the OMA techniques are used for finite element model (FEM) updating of this concrete railway ...

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