Aktuelle disputaser
Aktuelle disputaser der avhandlingen er tilgjengelig i Munin:
27 nov 2024: Koen van Greevenbroek
Near-optimality and robustness in energy systems modelling
27 nov 2024: Ingrid Solstad Andreassen
29 nov 2024: Rafael Adolfo Nozal Cañadas
29 nov 2024: Juan Manuel Losada
Intermittent fluctuations at the boundary of magnetically confined plasmas
02 des 2024: Charlotte Sant
03 des 2024: Mathias Sæterbø
05 des 2024: Kjersti Sellæg
The Tumor Immune Microenvironment as a Regulator of Oral Cancer Progression
05 des 2024: Anna Subbotina
Renal Sympathetic Denervation. Quality of Life, Hypertensive Heart Disease and Biomarker Discovery
06 des 2024: Katarina Maria Smejda Kjærandsen
06 des 2024: Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen
Microbial evolution in biofilms
06 des 2024: Karl-Erik Bø
06 des 2024: Synnøve Jensen
11 des 2024: Dennis Tin Chat Chan
Exploring the Microbial Chassis-Effect: Implications Towards Greater Biodesign
12 des 2024: Ekaterina Krieger
12 des 2024: Håvard Boutera Toft
13 des 2024: Rwiddhi Chakraborty
Model and Data Diagnosis under Limited Supervision in Modern AI
13 des 2024: Stephanie Spreter von Kreudenstein
16 des 2024: Kamila Kholmatova
Nye registreringer
Notre-Dames återuppbyggnad - "en bild av hopp"
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024)Hos Riksantikvarieämbetets arkiv och bibliotek på Storgatan 43 i Stockholm !nns många böcker om medeltida arkitektur och konst, däribland en bok från 1853 om restaureringen av katedralen NotreDame av franska arkitekterna Jean-Baptiste Lassus och Eugène Viollet-le-Duc. Katedralen är nu under restaurering efter en brand. -
SeaMark deliverable D7.3: Initial assessment of marked potential
(Research report; Forskningsrapport, 2024)The main objective of the SeaMark project is to demonstrate how to scale up innovative seaweed cultivation and processing into price-competitive product applications making the entire supply chain attractive for commercial investments. This report is the third outcome from SeaMark Work Package 7 (WP7) – Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies for products, and it builds a foundation for the contribution ... -
Russisk i Tromsø i femti år – hva nå?
(Chronicle; Kronikk, 2024-12-01)I høst er det femti år siden førsteamanuensis Ingvild Broch tok imot de fire første studentene som ville studere russisk ved det nyopprettede Universitetet i Tromsø. Det er tid for et tilbakeblikk. Men mest av alt må vi se fremover. -
Review article: A scoping review of human factors in avalanche decision-making
(Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-08-26)The interest in understanding the human aspects of avalanche risk mitigation has steadily grown over the past few decades. Between 2001–2011, 11 research papers on decision-making in avalanche terrain were published in peer-reviewed journals. Between 2012–2022, this number rose to 55. These papers have been authored by researchers from various disciplines and publications in journals across different ... -
Algorithmic Governance for Food Supply Chain Transparency: an Umbrella Review
(Chapter; Bokkapittel, 2024)Fraud in food supply chains is a severe threat to food safety and sustainability. Mitigating it requires effective mechanisms to ensure transparency and traceability along food supply chains with several autonomous and distributed actors. Recent research shows that algorithm governance can be a promising approach in food supply chains to achieve this goal. This study reports findings from an umbrella ...