Det helsevitenskapelige fakultet

Nye registreringer

  • Educational inequalities and self-reported health among men and women aged 18-49 years in Yangon Region, Myanmar: analysis of a population-based, cross-sectional study 

    Baek, Sel Ki; Aye, Win Thuzar; Htet, Aung Soe; Stigum, Hein; Gopinathan, Unni; Bjertness, Espen (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-18)
    Objectives To estimate the prevalence of good selfreported health (SRH) in subpopulations based on the social determinants of health and to investigate the association between education (measured in years of schooling) and good SRH among men and women aged 18–49 years in Yangon Region, Myanmar.<p> <p>Design Analysis of data from a population-based, cross-sectional study conducted in Yangon, ...
  • Investigating Patient Satisfaction Through Online Reviews of Norwegian Dentists: A Quantitative Study using the Meaning Extraction Method 

    Larsen, Maria; Holde, Gro Eirin; Johnsen, Jan Are Kolset (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2023-05-24)
    Background: Challenging encounters in health care professions, including in dentistry, are relatively common. Challenging encounters can be defined as stressful or emotional situations involving patients that could impact both treatment outcomes and patients’ experiences. Through written web-based reviews, patients can share their experiences with health care providers, and these posts can be a ...
  • MRSA-halsbærerskap hos to helsearbeidere 

    Evenstad, Berit; Halvorsen, Dag Seeger; Myrbakk, Torni (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel, 2024-02-14)
    Helsearbeidere med påvist bærerskap av meticillinresistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) opplever ofte negative konsekvenser, slik som arbeidsrestriksjoner, langvarige sykmeldinger, repeterte saneringsforsøk, stigmatisering og psykososialt stress. Vi omtaler to studenter som etter flere mislykkede saneringsforsøk fikk utført tonsillektomi for å kvitte seg med halsbærerskap.
  • A case control study of the relationship between persistent serum creatine kinase elevation and polyneuropathy 

    Bekkelund, Svein Ivar; Abeler, Karin Louise; Lilleng, Hallvard; Løseth, Sissel (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-15)
    Creatine kinase (CK) has been associated with neuropathy, but the mechanisms are uncertain. We hypothesized that peripheral nerve function is impaired in subjects with persistent CK elevation (hyperCKemia) compared to age- and sex matched controls in a general population. The participants were recruited from the population based Tromsø study in Norway. Neuropathy impairment score (NIS), nerve ...
  • Activity-based protein profiling of serine hydrolases and penicillin-binding proteins in Enterococcus faecium 

    Grunnvåg, Jeanette Slettnes; Hegstad, Kristin; Lentz, Christian Stephan (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-15)
    Enterococcus faecium is a gut commensal bacterium which is gaining increasing relevance as an opportunistic, nosocomial pathogen. Its high level of intrinsic and acquired antimicrobial resistance is causing a lack of treatment options, particularly for infections with vancomycin-resistant strains, and prioritizes the identification and functional validation of novel druggable targets. Here, we ...
  • Exploring the impact of pharmacist-supported medication reviews in dementia care: experiences of general practitioners and nurses 

    Carlqvist, Catharina; Ekstedt, Mirjam; Lehnbom, Elin Christina (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-14)
    Background Dementia is a major global public health challenge, and with the growing elderly population, its prevalence is expected to increase in the coming years. In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for providing special housing for the elderly (SÄBO), which offers services and care for older individuals needing specific support. SÄBO is both the person´s home and a care environment and ...
  • The effect of sham acupuncture can differ depending on the points needled in knee osteoarthritis: A systematic review and network meta-analysis 

    Lee, Boram; Kwon, Chan-Young; Lee, Hye Won; Nielsen, Arya; Wieland, L Susan; Kim, Tae-Hun; Birch, Stephen; Alræk, Terje; Lee, Myeong Soo (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-07)
    Objective: In sham acupuncture-controlled acupuncture clinical trials, although sham acupuncture techniques are different from those of verum acupuncture, the same acupuncture points are often used for verum and sham acupuncture, raising the question of whether sham acupuncture is an appropriate placebo. We aimed to examine the effects of sham and verum acupuncture according to the points ...
  • The fatty liver index and risk of incident venous thromboembolism: the Tromsø Study 

    Scheres, Luuk J.J.; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas; Verlaan, Judith P.L.; Cannegieter, Suzanne C.; Hansen, John Bjarne; Morelli, Vania Maris (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-05-20)
    Background: For the relationship between obesity and venous thromboembolism (VTE), nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (recently termed metabolic dysfunction– associated steatotic liver disease) is of interest given the hepatic role in hemostasis.<p> <p>Objectives: We aimed to assess the association between the fatty liver index (FLI), as a proxy for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and VTE risk ...
  • Impact of cell lysis treatment before saliva metagenomic DNA extraction on the oral microbiome and the associated resistome 

    Tansirichaiya, Supathep; Songsomboon, Kittikun; Chaianant, Nichamon; Lertsivawinyu, Wasawat; Al-Haroni, Mohammed Hasan Hussein (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-28)
    Objectives: The human oral microbiome, a complex ecosystem linked to oral and systemic health, harbors a diverse array of microbial populations, including antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs). As a critical component of the One Health approach to tackle antibiotic resistance, comprehending the oral resistome's composition and diversity is imperative. The objective of this study was to ...
  • General practitioners’ experiences of providing somatic care for patients with severe mental illness: a qualitative study 

    Jønsson, Alexandra Brandt Ryborg; Brodersen, John; Reventlow, Susanne; Svanholm, Christina; Møller, Anne; Kousgaard, Marius Brostrøm (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-22)
    Background Patients dealing with severe mental illnesses (SMI) often face suboptimal clinical outcomes and higher mortality rates due to a range of factors, including undetected physical health conditions. The provision of care for individuals with SMI is frequently disjointed, as they engage with diverse healthcare providers. Despite this fragmentation, primary care, particularly general practitioners ...
  • SLE: a cognitive step forward—a synthesis of rethinking theories, causality, and ignored DNA structures 

    Rekvig, Ole Petter (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-04)
    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is classified by instinctual classification criteria. A valid proclamation is that these formally accepted SLE classification criteria legitimate the syndrome as being difficult to explain and therefore enigmatic. SLE involves scientific problems linked to etiological factors and criteria. Our insufficient understanding of the clinical condition uniformly denoted ...
  • Proportion of venous thromboembolism attributed to recognized prothrombotic genotypes in men and women 

    Arnesen, Carl-Arne; Evensen, Line Holtet; Hveem, Kristian; Gabrielsen, Maiken Elvestad; Hansen, John Bjarne; Brækkan, Sigrid Kufaas (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-02-08)
    Background: Data on the proportion of venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk attributed to prothrombotic genotypes in men and women are limited.<p> <p>Objectives: We aimed to estimate the population attributable fraction (PAF) of VTE for recognized, common prothrombotic genotypes in men and women using a populationbased case cohort. <p>Methods: Cases with incident VTE (n = 1493) and a randomly sampled ...
  • Deep sequencing of Escherichia coli exposes colonisation diversity and impact of antibiotics in Punjab, Pakistan 

    Khawaja, Tamim; Mäklin, Tommi; Kallonen, Teemu; Gladstone, Rebecca Ashley; Pöntinen, Anna Kaarina; Mero, Sointu; Thorpe, Harry A.; Samuelsen, Ørjan; Parkhill, Julian; Izhar, Mateen; Akhtar, M. Waheed; Corander, Jukka; Kantele, Anu (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-06-18)
    Multi-drug resistant (MDR) E. coli constitute a major public health burden globally, reaching the highest prevalence in the global south yet frequently flowing with travellers to other regions. However, our comprehension of the entire genetic diversity of E. coli colonising local populations remains limited. We quantified this diversity, its associated antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and assessed ...
  • An Acupuncture Protocol for the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Delphi Process 

    Dahle, Merete Lindén; Alræk, Terje; Musial, Frauke (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-04-17)
    Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a widespread disorder, and the worldwide incidence is rapidly increasing. Acupuncture, an intervention out of the spectrum of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), has a long tradition as treatment for ED. Nonetheless, a best-practice treatment protocol is currently missing. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis confirmed a huge diversity of ...
  • Loneliness in adolescence and prescription of psychotropic drugs in adulthood: 23-year longitudinal population-based and registry study 

    Rodriguez-Cano, Ruben; Lotre, Karianne; von Soest, Tilmann; Rognli, Eline B.; Bramness, Jørgen Gustav (Journal article; Tidsskriftartikkel; Peer reviewed, 2024-03-11)
    Aims We aim to determine whether (a) experiencing loneliness in adolescence and (b) changes in loneliness from adolescence to adulthood are prospectively associated with prescriptions for a variety of psychotropic drugs in adulthood.<p> <p>Method We used data from a Norwegian population-based sample with 2602 participants, collected across four waves between 1992 and 2006. Loneliness was assessed ...
  • Å bryte barrierer: erfaringer med fysisk aktivitet hos pasienter med metastatisk kreft 

    Johansen, Ingrid; Olsen, Jenny (Master thesis, 2024)
    Bakgrunn: Tidligere forskning viser at fysisk aktivitet kan være gunstig for pasienter som lever med metastatisk kreft. Likevel er det behov for mer forskning på temaet, da det er et kritisk gap som må fylles. Pasienter lever nå lenger med sin kreftsykdom, noe som stiller økt krav til kompetanse og ekspertise. For at pasienter med metastatisk kreft skal finne tiltak som kan gi dem bedre livskvalitet ...
  • Forebygging og behandling av trykkskader: En litteraturstudie av intensivsykepleieres kunnskap og holdninger 

    Moen, Christian; Larsen, Jonathan Zuidhoek (Master thesis, 2024)
    Bakgrunn: Trykkskader representerer en global helseutfordring, spesielt for pasienter på intensivavdelinger. Utvikling av trykkskader er smertefullt for pasientene og kan føre til lengre liggetid og økte økonomiske kostnader. Studien undersøker hva intensivsykepleieres kunnskap og holdninger er overfor forebygging og behandling av trykkskader, og om dette rapporteres å påvirke deres praksis. Formålet ...
  • Kommunikasjon og dens påvirkning på trivsel for nyutdannede anestesisykepleiere 

    Raatiniemi, Johanna Kristiina; Normann, Kristin (Master thesis, 2024)
    Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Avvik på operasjonsstuen skrevet av anestesisykepleiere, skyldes ofte svikt i kommunikasjon. Kommunikasjon er en viktig ikke-teknisk ferdighet og er en av de grunnleggende faktorene ved samarbeid i teamet på operasjonsstuen. Hensikten med studien var å finne ut hvordan nyutdannede anestesisykepleiere opplever kommunikasjon i teamet på operasjonsstuen, samt hvordan trivselen ...
  • Erfaringer med å identifisere og melde fra om barnemishandling hos barn innlagt på sykehus 

    Nilsen, Lina Konstanse Einebakken (Master thesis, 2024)
    Bakgrunn: Historisk sett har barn vært utsatt for alvorlige former for overgrep og omsorgssvikt. Til tross for lovpålagte krav om å avdekke og rapportere tilfeller av omsorgssvikt, opplever helsepersonell utfordringer med underrapportering. Dette skyldes blant annet manglende kompetanse, frykt for konsekvenser og variabel tillit til barnevernet. På verdensbasis lider mange barn av alvorlige konsekvenser ...
  • Tilrettelegging for hjemmedød for kreftsyke barn i livets siste fase 

    Bateman, Charlotte Bliktun (Master thesis, 2024)
    Bakgrunn: I Norge er det anslagsvis mellom 3500 – 4000 barn som hvert år har behov for palliativ oppfølging, og blant disse er det liv som går tapt som følge av kreft. Kreftsyke barn opplever mange sykehusinnleggelser, noe som medfører tid vekk fra familie, venner, skole og barnehage. Kjente og trygge omgivelser, rutiner og andre daglige gjøremål som tidligere gjorde hverdagen stabil og forutsigbar, ...

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